TGF,ZGF,BZGF,BZGFW,ZGFY,LGFWF,LGFWY,ZGFWF,GFWF系列關風機(關風器)、 星形卸料器;等產品。規格齊全,有防堵、防卡、防粘、耐壓、耐溫、等近百餘種規格型號。非標產品開發能力強、速度快,可滿足不同行業、不同介質、不同工況的要求。廣泛運用於石油化工、制藥、淀粉、油脂、化工乾燥、除塵、冶金、環保、電子、煤炭、建築、電力機械、糧食、飼料等行業設備上。用於固體粒料、粉料、超微粉體在氣力輸送及管網正負壓狀態下的卸料。
本公司憑積行業上多年的實踐經驗與終端客戶使用產品後的寶貴意見,借鑒先進國傢研制設計技術的精華, 運用先進的設備和檢測手段,實施先進的科學工業設計, 成功開發出多種新型防堵組合式, 防堵平行式,耐壓型,外裝耐溫耐壓型,定量型等特制產品.其中快開門式清洗閥具有世界先進水平。質量取得廣大顧客的信賴,產品暢銷全國各地,並遠銷歐美,印尼,越南,泰國,日本,澳大利亞等國傢和地區。先進的生產加工設備,領先的管理理念,高素質的員工隊伍,有效的質量保障體系和完善的售後服務,為制造高品質的產品提供可靠的保證,極大的滿足瞭各行業的需求。
Rotary valve (airlocks) This is applied to discharge granule,powder material or add granule,powder material either in different positive air pressure or in different negative air-pressure of pneumatic conveying system. Also it is a necessary device for ventilation and move dust system. The max pressure ≤ 0.12Mpa, working temperature ≤280 C.
- Material in carbon steel or stainless steel keeps solid durability
- Minimum gap between blade and body can lock the air efficiently
- Driving method can be direct drive model or chain drive model.
- This kind of rotary valve also called rotary air lock valve, rotary discharge valve, rotary feeder valve,
airlocks (rotary valve) are suitable for pneumatic conveying system to feed or unload the materials as the necessary equipment for the pipelines of pneumatic transmission and
dedust ventilation, which are widely used for grain & oil, foodstuff, feedstuff, chemical, drying, dedust, storage industries and so on.
Rotary valves include two kinds of structures such as normal and combined types. The normal rotary valves has no driving unit, the combined rotary valve equipped with cycloid
pin gear reducer.
As per different bearing positions, the rotary valves are divided into two structures such as internal and external types. The bearing internal type is suitable for the material with l
ow temperature mediate and big diameter granularity. The bearing external type, there is a certain distance between bearing and shell, is suitable for the material with high
temperature mediate and easily blowby.
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The impeller type of rotary valve has non-inserted blade and inserted blade structures. The clearance between impeller and shell of non-inserted blade rotary valve can't be adjusted. The main feature of inserted blade rotary valve is that the clearance between impeller and shell can be adjusted and equipped with corresponding the inserted pieces according to different material properties.