正確使用方法:1、不同規格和用途的鋸片,其設計的刀頭角度和基體形式有所不同,盡量按其所對應的場合使用;2、設備的主軸和夾板的尺寸及形位精度對使用效果有很大影響,按裝鋸片前要檢查和調整。特別對夾板與鋸片接觸麵影響夾緊力造成位移打滑的因素必須排除; 3、隨時註意鋸片工作情況,發生異常,如振動、嗓聲、加工麵走料情況,必須及時停機調整,並及時修磨,保持峰利;4、修磨鋸片不得改變其原來角度,避免刀頭局部驟熱驟冷,最好請專業修磨。5、暫時不用之鋸片要垂直吊掛,避免長時間平放,更不應將物堆壓其上,刀頭處要加以保護,不許碰撞。
Shenzhen Hewang Machinery Technology Ltd.
No.79, Youmei Road, Shangyousong, Longhua Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China
Building 3, Anlongqiang Industrial Area, Dashuikeng, Guanlan Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen, China
Shenzhen Hewang Machinery Technology Ltd founded on 1998, mainly to engage metal processing, sawing and cutting, R&D and production of machinery. Main products are metal cutting machine, tube cutting machine, Aluminum cutting machine, Copper cutting machine, Non-metal cutting machine. Tube bending machine, tube end molding machine, tube shrinking machine, chamfer machine, tube expanding machine etc series of tube processing machine are widely used in the field of furniture, bike, hardware processing etc. Aluminum cutting machine, Copper cutting machine etc are widely used in the field of radiator piece etc electronic technology products. In 2000, Hewang has a subsidiary Germany joint venture factory in Sunde city. It mainly produce diomand cutting tool, high-speed steel cutting tool, PE cutting tool. These products are widely used in the field of precision processing etc.
Hewang doesn’t have the today’s development without your support and help. We will do our best as usual to boost the honour of Chinese Industry
