
  • 醫用超聲霧化器
    商品代碼: 3498421
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。


    一、治療原理(Principle of treatment)



       The effect of the treatment will be achieved through the use of ultrasonic orienting intensity of pressure to make the eminence of the surface of the liquid, to cavitate the surrounding of the eminence of the liquid surface, to atomize the liquid into inhalator of small molecule and to make the medicinal molecule enter into the capillary vessel and alveolus directly through the inhalator.



    1 設計獨特、水箱透明、能看見工作過程。

      2 使用高品質的超音波換能器,一次性藥杯,含咀

      3 具有醫療、加濕、氧吧和美容的功能。

      4 能夠加強空氣的質量,提高對生活環境的要求。



    1.  Original design, transparent water box and the can -be- seen working process.

    2.  The use of high-quality ultrasonictransducer, disposable medicine cup and bill.

    3.   Having the functions of medical treatment, humidification, ventilation and facial beautification.

    4.   Able to improve air quality and people's demand for environment.




    Diseases of upper respiratory infection concluding cold (flu), allergic rhinitis, stuffy nose, rhiniopolypus, emphysema, acute and  chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchialasthma.


    四、“百靈”醫用超聲霧化器,不及及是醫用(BAILING Medical Use Ultrasonic Atomizer,Not Just for medical Ued“百靈”)

      1 水箱中加入消毒液,可阻擋流感肺炎等病毒的侵擾,給呼吸道患者一個良好的


      2 註入香水,幻染出現代傢庭的浪漫與溫馨。

      3 可清潔皮膚,有效去除麵部粉刺、痤瘡、適用於任何皮膚。

      4 “百靈”醫用超聲霧化器能產生大量的O3和活性氧,使分子級選擇性揮發技術



      1    AdddisinfectanttOthewaterboxit is ablc to prevent the infection of the flu and pneumonia and toprovlde the patients a good Space for recuperation

        2    Fill in some perfumeit will create a kind of romanticgentle and fragrant atmosphere of a modern family

        3    Able to clean the skin and remove the facial comedo and acneand it is suitable for all skins

        4    Able to produce large amount of O3 and active oxygenmaking seleciVe volatilization technology at moleculelevel will guarante

        that only the molecules of the punrifed water enter the air soas to purify the airto achieve sterllized humidication and to

        poPularize itThere is no restrain for the water used in humldification and beautication

    五、效果分析(effect analysis

    感冒,咽喉炎,鼻塞,流涕是最為常見的疾病和癥狀,也是醫生治療起來比較棘手的問題。往往都要一周以上的治療,運用該機器可以大大地縮短治療周期和增強治療效果,是非常經濟,有效的治療方法。同時由於患感冒,咽喉炎的患者很多,它的經濟效益也就顯而易見,又由於該機器投資極小, 攜帶方便,特別適合傢庭、診所、科室使用,是最實用的保健治療機器

         Cold, laryngopharyngitis, stuffy nose, rhiniopolypus, and rhinorrhea are the most common diseases and symptoms in our daily life,and they are very hard for the doctors to handle. Usually, it will take one week of treatment for the suffers to cover from it; The instrumentis able to help shorten the treatment periods and strengthen the curative effect It is an economical and effective way todiseases. At the same time, since many people are prone to come down with cold and laryngopharyng application of the instrument is under our eyes. Also, small in investment, portable, it is the most equipment and it can be suitable for family, clinic and department



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