The obesity means a certain extent overweight and fatness layer overdepth, it is fatness in the body, especial is caused by thetriglyceride accumulation too much. The obesity can be devided into two,Single Obesity and Secondary Obesity. Normal we see the former. Single Obesity occupies 99% in the obesity, we cannot find what causes the single obesity. In medicine, it is alos named Primary Obesity. It maybe relevant to Descendiblity, foods, sporting habits. So called S Secondary Obesity, that is caused by some healthy problems, that is to say, we can source the reasons of Secondary Obesity. It occupies 1% in the obesity, can be classified into Hypothalamus Obesity, Pituitary Obesity, Hypothyroidism Obesity, Cushing’s Syndrome Obesity, Gonad Functonal Retardation Obesity etc, separately caused by the thalamencephalon, pituitary, hypothyroid and gonad diseases. Among them. Mostly Cushing’s Syndrome Obesity, Hypothyroidism Obesity happen to the adults, Hypothalamus Obesity always to the children, which is caused by the craniopharyngioma(1)用潔麵乳清潔麵部皮膚。