更有效地清除牙菌斑 通過高頻率震動發出的音波,有助於更好清除堅固的牙菌斑。 三麵刷毛設計 同時清潔牙齒的三個側麵,壓齦溝和牙縫,清潔牙齒不留死角。 獨特的45度刷毛角度設計 刷毛與牙齒表麵自動形成45度角,達到全球各牙醫學會推崇的貝氏刷牙要求 專利超軟龍刷毛材料 ULTRALON刷毛材料,柔軟又有任性,既有效清潔牙齒,又不損傷牙齒和牙齦 有效的牙齦按摩作用 是天然的按摩器,按摩牙齦、改善牙周血液循環,堅固牙齒,防止牙齦萎縮更有效清除牙菌斑。
Best way to cure your gum disease!
with three out of four people in the world are
suffering or have been suffered from some type of
gum disease, often, the treatments are highly
complicated and needs a lot money and time.
To solve this question brushing your teeth
with 3 sided tooth brushes is the best way.(manual tooth brush, battery tooth brush
Best way to cure your gum disease!
with three out of four people in the world
are suffering or have been suffered from some
type of gum disease, often, the treatments are
highly complicated and needs a lot money and time.
To solve this question brushing your teeth with
3 sided tooth brushes is the best way.(manual tooth brush, battery tooth brush and rechargeable tooth brush)
