YL型系列特種耐磨砂漿泵 國傢專利號:ZL932319664.5 YL型系列特種耐磨砂漿泵采用本廠配制的特種耐磨橡膠直接壓制在泵殼內表麵,形成極耐磨的泵內腔,解決瞭可換式橡膠襯裡易擊穿、鼓包而致報廢的缺憾,其使用壽命之長為眾口稱道。 所有配件均可與意大利PEMO泵互換 YL type serial sepcial wearable sand pump patent number:ZL932319664.5 YL type serial special wearable sand pump adopts our special wearing rubber directly pressed onto the inside surface of pump thus forming wearing lumen, so that the lining of rubber is no longer easely easily ;punctured and has a ong life. All the fittings can be exchanged with PEMO pump from Italy.