關鍵詞: 吃藥提醒表 老人護理表 健康腕表
全球首款可以與手機沒乾系的智能護理腕表 !
采用1.8英寸高清彩屏顯示字幕及圖片, 充電及文字輸入采用USB 數據線鏈接電腦的方式。待機時長,至少為5天!
智能護理腕表( Smart Health Care Watch ) 主要針對老人,體弱多病者,健忘者等人群 。
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智能護理腕表( Smart Health Care Watch ) 主要針對夕陽人群,他們多數健忘,體弱多病! 另外,隨著生活方式和品質的改變,目前高血壓及糖尿病患者數量急劇增加,白天繁忙的工作,讓患者常常忘記吃藥,從而嚴重影響療效,使病情加重!
普通分裝藥盒提醒,隻能放在口袋,或者辦公桌等地方。 非穿戴方式註定瞭它有很多缺點! 而且對於健忘的患者來說,即使鬧鐘提醒瞭他,但是他也會有不記得到底是吃哪種藥 一次吃多少的煩惱~
智能護理腕表,可以設置10組提醒鬧鐘,隻需設置一次,每天重復自動準時提醒您吃藥! 每組鬧鐘支持多字節文本信息輸入, 您可以輸入藥物名稱,服用方式 及服用劑量等等 !
智能護理腕表( Smart Health Care Watch ) 主要功能如下:
1. 手錶的時間功能;
2. 實時氣溫檢測的功能;
3. 10組振動及響鈴的鬧鐘設置內容提醒功能;
4. 使用者健康情況及緊急聯系資料的儲存功能 ( 使用者姓名, 年齡,病史,過敏藥物。。。。。。) , 以便好心人或醫生緊急施救;
5. 喝水提醒;
6. 烹飪記時提醒。
目前隻有英文版UI 界麵, 預計中文版UI 界麵在2014年底出樣機
Main interface for Normal time & date function :
Used for
Smart alert watch is main used for some Forgetful guy or ages who suffer from some chronic diseases . They should take medicine on time for make sure the medical Efficacy ; it suitable for business man also who have many meetings on day . Up to 10 daily alarms can be remind you what you should do on time .
1. 1.8 inch large LCD screen
2.High quality with Fashion design ;
3.Super Slim Design with Low power consumption;
4.USB Charge battery ;
5.Up to 10 daily alarm and repeat every day at the same time;
6.Alpha Reminder Message and user’s information without byte length limit;
7.Easy to read display (large text/numbers)
8.Easy to operate ;
8.Good gift for your Family with very Competitive price .
Brief introduction
Function 1 : Alarm
UP to 10 Daily Alarms (auto reset - repeats every day at the same time).
Alpha Reminder Message , you can input the medical name or things what you should do with each alarms , there is no byte length limit.
Beeping Sound with vibration remind you it's time to do something or eat or drink Medicine .
Missed taken alarms can be show on the alarm list .
Function B : User
User UI for record the user’s information for Emergency case reference . For example , ages user Suddenly slipping and Unconscious , Passers-by want to help but without his/her family's contact way .Or he/she be send to hospital by passers-by , but doctor want to know his /her Other chronic diseases for Emergency rescue .
Under such conditions , user's can input below information according to your demands . Further more, As there is no byte length limit , you can record anything what you want to input , Such as ,
Medical ID data bank (Medical Information) which Drugs the patient is eating ;
User name and phone number ;
User age ;
Medical Information (diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, aphasia, hemophiliac, Parkinson's, lupus etc);
Allergic reactions (penicillin, bee sting, peanuts etc.);
Emergency contact and phone;
List of medications, blood type, date of birth;
Doctor's name & phone;
Insurance company & policy number;
Function C : Wether
Show present Temperature and humidity
Function D : Health
Some health tips and health information for your reference .
The health information updat auto .
Smart alert watch more Used in Clinical Trials. Improve Patient Compliance / Medication Adherence.
It Recommended by Good Housekeeping Medical ID Databank stores critical health
