麥迪遜旗艦品牌 ACCUVIX,融合最新超聲前沿技術,不斷創新,日臻完美。
ACCUVIX V10 集成頂尖二維、三維及實時四維影像技術,實現精準診斷。
ACCUVIX V10 創新掌中操控平臺設計,高分辨率萬向自由臂支撐液晶顯示器,高效操控更便捷。
ACCUVIX V10 時尚耐久設計,全方位出眾表現。
體驗新一代ACCUVIX產品V10.集成最新超聲前沿技術和優秀用戶界麵設計。融合頂尖二維、三維和實時四維技術,包括動態磁共振(Dynamic MR)、噪點濾減技術(SRF)、三維擴展成像技術(3DXI)和虛擬器官計算機輔助分析技術等,創新系統平臺設計確保最佳診斷效率。17英寸萬向自由臂支撐高分辨率液晶顯示器,影像更清晰,操控更便捷。
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高清影像 掌中導航 時尚設計
麥迪遜旗艦品牌 ACCUVIX,融合最新超聲前沿技術,不斷創新,日臻完美。
ACCUVIX V10 集成頂尖二維、三維及實時四維影像技術,實現精準診斷。
ACCUVIX V10 創新掌中操控平臺設計,高分辨率萬向自由臂支撐液晶顯示器,高效操控更便捷。
ACCUVIX V10 時尚耐久設計,全方位出眾表現。
高清影像 掌中導航 時尚設計
Crystal Clarity
The mission-critical feature of the ACCUVIX V10 is to provide superb contrast resolution and sharpness in image quality for the most accurate diagnoses.
The ACCUVIX V10 enables enhanced diagnostic accuracy and shortened diagnostic time, providing high quality images through its seventeen-inch, 1280*1024 high-resolution flat-panel display. The ACCUVIX V10 provides the clearest of possible views and excellent Dooppler image quality thanks to its Speckle Reduction Filter⑩, Full Spectrum Imaging⑩, DynamicMR⑩ and other high performance image technologies.
* Fetal face in 3D
Top-of-the-Line Technologies for Crystal Clarity
Speckle Reduction Filter
Full Spectrum Imaging⑩
Spatial Compound Imaging⑩
Power Pulse Inversion⑩
High Sensitivity Powerful Doppler performance
More Optimized parameters for Multi Planar Imaging
3D extended Imaging⑩(3D XI⑩)
Live 3D/4D
Perfected Architecture for Crystal Clarity
High resolution(1280*1024) 17-inch flat-panel display
129,024 system channels(128 T*channels)
Piloting by palm
The ACCUVIX V10 has a range of high-tech function. It features an innovative operating console design, flexible articulating arm, quadrant image, pointer function and customization of key configurations, providing you with the most convenient and efficient diagnostic environment. Furthermore, key functions are within palm range.
Users can easily manipulate images with this function, which automatically optimizes image brightness and contrast with just one click.
Post Measurement
After scanning is finished, users can measure saved images, accelerating patient throughput.
Post processing
The various image measurements, which could only be done on scan mode previously, can now be done with saved images after scanning Again, this optimizes patient throughput.
Pointer Function
While scanning, users can review or measure saved images, saving valuable diagnostic time.
Quadrant Image
Uers are granted maximum image information as this function compares four images at the same time.
SonoView II⑩
SonoView II⑩, optional software for digital image management on ultrasound system, stores and transfers ultrasound image without any loss of image quality. Easier management of patient images results in cost saving and an increase of patient throughput.
Futuristic Design
The futuristic design of the ACCUVIX V10 allows for easy access to the key functions. Connection points for all peripheral devices are simple to locate. It also has a large loading bay just under the control panel with easy access at the front. Furthermore, the new ACCUVIX reduces clutter and offers maximum mobility.
Articulating Monitor Arm
The innovative monitor arm which moves easily up and down, and left and right, enables efficient diagnoses.
Rotating Control Panel
Control panel can rotate right and left for optimized position.
Well-arranged Cables
This tidy arrangement minimizes the typical “spaghetti” of rear wires.
4-wheel Swivel
The V10 glides smoothly on its four, swiveling wheels
Optimized for all Applications
V10`s various outstanding features-finest image quality, best performance, convenient and efficient system design, attractive and durable design-provide users in any application with quality of performance and ease of use.
