6805 Electropuncture Instrument Series
Register No.:YSYJX(Z)Z2009D2260310
本機采用穴位電脈沖刺激,主要治療功能是鎮痛、消炎、解痙。本機配用導電矽橡膠電療, 達到無損傷治療的目的。也可配用毫針進行傳統電針灸治療。輸出分連續波、斷續波、疏密波三檔。
This instrument is adopted point electrical impulse irritation,The main therapeutical effect of this device is analgecize, antiphlogosis and spasmolysant. The electric conducting silicon rubber electrode is equipped with the instrument in the purpose of scatheless treatment. The filiform needle can also be fitted out for traditional electric acupuncture therapy. The output is divided into 3 grades as continuous-wave, discontinuous wave and spacing-density wave.
四路輸出、二路加強, 設置有毫針電療、皮膚電療轉換功能。
Four ways of output, two ways of intensifying. The conversion function is provided with for filiform needle electrode to skin electrode.
