1.產品簡圖(product sketch)
單位(unit):MM防火等級(Fireproofing level)
移動電話:18929293023 聯系電話:0769-87191498-8011
This is press type switch, it turns on auto lights when press the switch downward, and press (the switch) again to turn off the lights; this product is light in weight and artistic in appearance;it is easily and conveniently to install and use, it can be used for more than 50000 times, and some can add up to more than 100000 times. SB-1線束開關是一種電源開關,主要應用於汽車車燈上,起控制開關汽車車燈的作用;在轎車、S越野車 、商務車、跑車上經常使用,也可以用於工控機箱設備,大型機器上;該產品體積小, 不占空間,操作方便。
3.產品性能(Function)Harness switch SB-1 is power switch, it mainly applies in auto lights, and functions to switch on and switch off auto lights; it also used in SUV, MPV, and sports cars; besides, it can be applied in industrial control chassis devices, too; this product occupies little space with small size, and it is and conveniently to use and handle. 該產品為按壓式開關,向下壓一下則接通電源,汽車車燈打開,再次壓下則斷開電源,汽車車燈自 動關閉;該產品安裝簡易、使用方便,輕巧美觀,使用次數最少能達到50000次以上,有的型號甚 至能達到100000次以上的使用次數。
4.適用環境(Operating temperature):-30°+80°
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