產品用途:產品用於各種艦船一般控制裝置用。 Scope of applications:The product uses in each kind of ships general control device using 執行標準:MIL-C-24643或GJB1916-94 Standards implemented:MIL-C-24643 or GJB1916-94 |  |
型號規格、燃燒特性及額定電壓 Models specifications、Combustion and Rated voltage 型號Models | | | 標稱截麵(mm2) Nominal sectional area | | 溫度 Temp.℃ | JKYJQ85、JKYJPQ85 | | | | | 85 | JKE85、JKEZP85、JKEPJSZP、JKEPJ JKEPJ80、JKEPJ90、JKEPJ85、JKEPJ95 JKEPJP、JKEPJP80、JKEPJP90、JKEPJP85 JKEPJP95 | SC NSC | 2-61 | 0.35-4.0 | 0.3 0.6 1.0 | JKYJ85、JKYPJ、JKYJPJ80、JKYJPJ90 JKYJPJ85、JKYJPJ95、JKYJPJP、JKYJPJP80 JKYJPJP90、JKYJPJP85、JKYJPJP95 |
產品名稱及代號 Product descriptions and Codes 代號 Codes | 定義 Definition | 代號 Codes | 定義 Definition | S | 成束燃燒 Combustion for bunched cable | C | 無鹵,低煙,低毒 Halogen free,low smoke,low toxicity | N | 耐火(單根燃燒) Fire-proof(Combustion for single cable) |
代號 Codes | 絕緣 Insul-ation | | | | | | | 代號 Codes | 特 征 Charac-teristic | E | 乙丙橡 膠絕緣 EP- rubber insulated | PJ | 交聯聚 烯烴護套 Cross- linked polyolefin sheath | | 鍍錫銅 絲編織 Tinned Cu wire woven | | | P | 線芯屏蔽 Line core screen | YJ | 交聯聚乙烯絕緣 XLPE Insulation | - | - | | 鍍鋅鋼絲編織 Galvanizes Steel wire woven | 5 | 交聯聚烯烴護套 Cross-linked polyolefin sheath | Q | 輕型Soft | - | - | - | - | - | - | | | ZP | 總屏蔽 Collectively shield | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | SZP | 雙總屏蔽 Double Collectively shield |