東莞市金航祥機械廠專業開發、研究、生產焊接切割及五金工藝成形設備。十多年以來,我們總結臺灣、日本技術,結合實際眾多工廠現場回潰、以及自身眾多經驗,不斷開發,不斷創新,自產,自銷,同時誠征代理商的合作。長期以來,我們本著互惠互利的原則,高品質,優價格,遠銷歐美、中東及東南亞眾多國傢,及國內各省市,深受各地客戶的好評和青睞。。主要生產線:產品性能:焊接牢固,電流穩定,火花小,調節方便,結構合理。歡迎新老客戶來電來涵洽談業務,攜手共謀佳業,共創輝煌。 | |||||
| 您的滿意是我們追求的目標!! |
東莞市金航祥機械廠專業開發、研究、生產焊接切割及五金工藝成形設備。十多年以年,我們總結臺灣、日本技術,結合實際眾多工廠現場回潰、以及自身眾多經驗,不斷開發,不斷創新,自產,自銷,同時誠征代理商的合作。長期以來,我們本著互惠互利的原則,高品質,優價格,遠銷歐美、中東及東南亞眾多國傢,及國內各省市,深受各地客戶的好評和青睞。 | ||||||||
Our company is specialized in developing, researching and producing welding, cutting and metal forming equipments. For more than ten years, we have summarized technologies of Taiwan and Japan, combined with the actual feedback from many factories and our own many experiences, and so constantly developed and innovated, self-produced, self-marketing, and at the same time, cooperated with agents. For a long term, based on the principle of reciprocity and mutual benefit, we have sold our products in many countries from Europe, America, Middle East and Southeast Asia as well as domestic provinces and cities with high quality and excellent prices, being highly praised and favored by customers. | ||||||||
產品性能:焊接牢固,電流穩定,火花小,調節方便,結構合理。歡迎新老客戶來電來函洽談業務,攜手共謀佳業,共創輝煌。 | ||||||||
Performances of Product: solid welding, stable current, small sparks, convenient adjustment and reasonable structure. Welcome new and old customers to negotiate business, and create brilliance together. | ||||||||
應用行業 | ||||||||
鐵線工藝,燈飾,傢私,機械,器械,船造,電子,倉儲貨架,傢用電器,自行車生產,汽車制造等各行各業。 | ||||||||
Application Industries: Wire technology, lighting, furniture, machinery, equipment, shipbuilding, electronics, storage shelves, household appliances, bicycle manufacturing, automobile manufacturing and other industries. | ||||||||
主要生產線成套設備 | ||||||||
電風扇防護罩、工業扇防護罩生產線、冰櫃網,冷凝管生產線、寵物籠、鐵網籃、置物架生產線、燈罩網、袋式除塵器上的骨架生產線。 | ||||||||
Complete sets of equipment for main production lines | ||||||||
Shield of electric fan, production line of industrial fan shield, deep freezer net, production line of cooling pipe, pet cage, iron basket, shelving production line, lampshade net, production line of framework on bag-type duster | ||||||||
主要產品 | ||||||||
Main Products | ||||||||
足踏式點焊機 | 足踏式對焊機 | 足踏式T型焊機 | ||||||
Foot-operated Spot Welder | Foot-operated Butt Welder | Foot-operated T type Welder | ||||||
空壓式點焊機 | 空壓式排焊機 | 龍門式點焊機 | 中頻點焊機 | |||||
Air-pressure Spot Welder | Air-pressure Row welder | Gantry-type Spot Welder | MidbandSpor Welder | |||||
空壓式對焊機 | 儲能式點焊機 | 閃光對焊機 | ||||||
Air-pressure Butt Welder | Capacitance energy storage spot welding | Flash Butt Welder | ||||||
液壓式自動打圈機 | 機械式平口打圈機 | |||||||
Hydraulic Automatic Looped Machine | Mechanical Flat Looped Machine | |||||||
圓扁線調直切斷機 | 修邊機 | 壓扁機 | ||||||
Round-flat Wire Straightening and Cutting machine | Edge Trimmer | flaking Mill | ||||||
折框機 | 打扣機 | 織鏈機 | ||||||
frame Bending Machine | Dotter | Weaving Chain Machine | ||||||
油壓成型機 | 風扇網專用機 | 縫焊機 | 各種焊機配件 | |||||
Hydraulic Forming Machine | Fan Net Special Machine | Seam Welding Machine | Various Welder Accessories | |||||
代理國內外知名品牌的CO2焊機,氬弧焊機,等離子切割機等。亦可根據客人需要定做相關的焊割成型設備及其治具 | ||||||||
Act as an agent for well-known CO2 welder, argon welder, plasma cutter and others. And we can also make the relevant welding and cutting molding equipment and its jig according to customer’s requirements. |
