- 規格:210*230cm
- 產地:山東淄博市張店區
- 品種:三件套
- 原料:100%竹纖維
- 送禮用途:商務送禮
- 適用送禮對象:中老年
- 適用送禮場合:生日
- 件數:三件套
竹纖維簡介淄博蛋白纖維紡織品科技開發有限公司·淄博普而迪紡織品銷售有限公司敬示:(1)柔滑軟暖,似“綾羅綢緞”: 竹纖維具有單位細度細、手感柔軟;白度好、色彩亮麗;有較強的縱向和橫向強度、且穩定均一,懸垂性佳;柔軟滑爽不扎身,比棉還軟,有著特有的絲絨感。(2)涼爽舒適,真正的“空調纖維”: 竹纖維橫截面布滿了大大小小橢圓形的孔隙,可以在瞬間吸收并蒸發大量的水分,竹纖維的吸水性是棉的三倍。天然橫截面的高度中空,使得業內專家稱竹纖維為“會呼吸”的纖維,還稱其為“纖維皇后”。竹纖維的吸濕性、放濕性、透氣性居各大紡織纖維之首,。(3)抑菌抗菌,殺菌率75%: 竹纖維制品上的細菌在 24 小時后被殺死 95% 左右。經國際最權威檢測機構SGS,國家棉紡織產品質量監督檢驗中心和上海微生物研究所的檢測也證實了以上結果。 4)綠色環保,抗紫外線: 它具有竹子天然的防螨、防臭、防蟲和產生負離子特性,并能有效的阻擋紫外線對人體的輻射,不會對皮膚產生任何刺激。竹纖維的紫外線穿透率幾乎為零,竹纖維的抗紫外線能力是棉的417倍。 (5)天然保健: 《本草綱目》中有 4 處闡述了竹子的不同藥用功能和方劑,民間更是有近千種竹子的藥方。現代醫學認為:“竹元素”中的抗氧化化合物能有效的清除體內的自由基和酯類過氧化合物,并能阻斷強致癌物質 N- 亞硝酸氨化合物,不僅能顯著提高機體免疫能力,而且具有滋潤皮膚和抗疲勞、抗衰老的生物功效。 Bamboo fiber textile fibers • Zibo Technology Development Co., Ltd. King said:
(1) silky soft warmth, like "silk damask LAW":
Bamboo fiber fineness with the unit fine, soft to the touch; brightness, and bright colors; have strong vertical and horizontal intensity, uniform and stable, good drape; soft, smooth body is not binding, also soft than cotton, has a unique flu velvet.
(2) cool and comfortable, the real "air-conditioning fiber":
Cross-section of bamboo fiber is filled with large and small, oval-shaped pores can absorb and evaporate in an instant a large number of water-absorbent bamboo fiber is three times as much cotton. A high degree of natural cross-section hollow, made of bamboo fiber industry experts said the "will to breathe," the fiber, also called "fiber Queen." Hygroscopicity of bamboo fiber, put wet, breathable textile fibers of the major home first.
(3) Antibacterial antibacterial, bactericidal rate of 75%:
Bamboo fiber products, the bacteria were killed within 24 hours to about 75 percent. Textile products by the State Quality Supervision and Inspection Center and the Shanghai institute of microbiology testing also confirmed the results of the above.
4) Green environmental protection, anti-ultraviolet:
It has natural anti-bamboo mites, odor, pest control and have a negative ion properties, and can effectively block the ultraviolet radiation on the human body does not produce any stimulation of the skin. Bamboo fiber for UV penetration 6/10000, bamboo fiber is anti-UV ability of 417-fold cotton.
(5) natural health:
"Compendium of Materia Medica" in the bamboo on four different medicinal functions and formulas, there are nearly a thousand people is a prescription types of bamboo. Modern medicine: "Bamboo element" in the antioxidant compounds are effective to remove the body of free radicals and peroxy ester compounds, and to block the strong carcinogen N-nitrite ammonia compounds, not only significantly improve the immune capacity , and with skin nourishing and anti-fatigue, anti-aging bio-efficacy.
