平板(平臺)Surface Plate 按JB/T7974-99標準制造,產品制成筋板式和箱體式,工作麵有長方形,材料HT200,工作麵采用刮平工藝,工作麵上可加工V形、T型、U型槽和圓孔、長孔等。平板是用於工件檢測或劃線的平麵基準器具。平板安裝應調至水平、負荷均勻分佈於各支點上,環境溫度(20±5℃)使用時應避免振動。 Made according to Standard JB/T7974-99,rib type or case type,rectangle/square/roundworking surface,material:HT200,Working sruface made by skiving,groove V/T/U shape and hole of long-round shape can be made at the surface of the plate.The surface plate is a plane standard equipment used for testing ana drawing of work pieces on it.The surface plate shall be adjusted to horizontal position and loaded evenly on each pivot.Environmental temperature 20±5℃,and vibration shall be avoided when using.
鑄鐵研磨平板(JB/T7974-99)(單位:塊) 按JB/T7974-99標準制造,工作麵用研磨工藝用於制作的研磨,量具修理,用本產品研磨後的制件表麵粗糙度Ra≤0.08μm。 Made according to Standard JB/T7974-99,working surface made by skiving,used for rubbing of workpiece and repairing of measuring tools.The surface roughness of workpiece after wubbing on this plate can reach Ra≤0.08μm.