
  • WIKA CPB5000HP 壓力天平 高壓 5000 bar 液壓式 0.025%/ 0.02 %
    商品代碼: 3308003
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

       WIKA CPB5000HP 壓力天平,壓力天平高壓系列

    Pressure Balance High-Pressure GB
    CPB 5000 HP

    High-pressure pressure balance CPB5000HP




    • Primary standard for defining the pressure scale in a range of up to 5000 bar hydraulic
    • Reference instrument for testing, adjusting and calibrating pressure measuring instruments in factories and calibration laboratories
    • Self-contained, complete system also suitable for on-site measurements / calibrations

    Special Features

    • Total uncertainty of measurement down to 0.02 % of reading
    • Factory calibration certificate as standard, traceable to National Standards, DKD/DAkkS calibration certificate available as an option
    • High long-term stability with a recommended recalibration cycle of 5 years
    • Masses manufactured from stainless steel and aluminium, local gravity adjustment possible at no additional charge




    Basic principle

    Pressure is defined as the quotient of force and area (P= F/A). Correspondingly, the core of the CPB 5000HP is a very precisely-manufactured piston cylinder system, which is loaded with masses in order to generate the individual test points.

    These weights are manufactured to standard gravity (9.80665 m/s²) although, for fixed location usage they can be adjusted to a customer-specified local gravity.


    Easy operation

    The pressure is set via an integrated pump. For fine adjustment a very precisely adjustable spindle pump is mounted. As soon as the measuring system reaches equilibrium, there is a balance of forces between pressure and mass applied.



    The excellent quality of the system ensures that this pressure remains stable over several minutes, so that the device under test can be calibrated or time-consuming adjustments can be carried out without any problems.


    Solid instrument design

    The CPB5000HP has been designed around a solid platform and offers exceptional ease-of-use. With the integrated initial pressure pump and 250 ml tank, large test volumes can also be easily filled and pre-compressed.


    Measuring ranges

    - 2500 bar / 40000 psi

    - 4000 bar / 60000 psi

    - 5000 bar / 70000 psi







              歡迎致電咨詢WIKA CPB5000HP 壓力天平,壓力天平高壓系列

    訂購電話:010-5166991256291930 15910733293


    QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574

    郵箱:[email protected]

    公司官網:http://www.zoriver.cn  http://www.zoriver.com.cn



    WIKA CPB5000HP 壓力天平 高壓 5000 bar 液壓式 0.025%/ 0.02 %_壓力校驗儀表_壓力儀表_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i