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    商品代碼: 3306524
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。


    The display electro-hydraulic universal test machine, and a computer, complete the data acquisition, data processing and print test results. This tester software on Windows operating system support, in Chinese, icon, digital and intuitive way forthe user operation. This tester simple structure, the function is all ready, easy to operate, reliable and practical, is a new generation of computer interface type testing machine. Mainly used for metal materials tensile, compression, cold bending and cutting etc static load test, also can be used for general building materials. Such as timber, cement, concrete as stress or bending test.




    1最大試驗力Biggest test force300kN  


    2負荷測量范圍Load measurement range:6~300 kN   


    3測力精度 Force measurement precision:≤±1%


    4.變形測量范圍Deformation measurement range : 0~25mm


    5.變形測量精度Deformation measurement accuracy: ≤±1%


    6.位移測量范圍Displacement measurement range:  0~250mm


    7.位移測量精度Displacement measurement precision: ≤±1%


    8拉伸夾頭間最大距離 Stretching chuck distance between:500mm


     9扁試樣最大夾持寬度The width of the gripping biggest flat:                           70mm


    10扁試樣夾持厚度Flat sample clamping thickness: 0~20m


    11圓試樣夾持直徑 Round the gripping the diameter: 


    Ф10~Ф25 mm


     12壓力板間最大距離The maximum distance between the pressure plate:                                   500mm


    13上下壓板尺寸Fluctuation linking piece size:   Φ100mm




    14彎曲試驗兩滾子座距離Bending test two roller a distance:35~500mm


    15彎曲支座寬度Bending bearing width:                        120mm


    16容許彎曲度 Allow flexibility:                                 100mm


    17彎曲壓頭厚度 Bending pressure head thickness:   10mm、20mm


     (直徑) (diameter)                                                        Φ30mm


    18拉伸空間兩立柱有效間距Stretching space two pillar effective spacing:      500mm


    19壓縮試驗兩立柱有效間距 Compression test two pillar effective spacing :     500mm


    20電動機功率Motor power:


      油泵電動機  Oil pump motor:                                   1.1千瓦


      工作臺升降電動機 Table lift motor :          0.55千瓦 


     21.主機電源  Host power:                             三相380V


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