
  • F3D 樹木應力波無損檢測機 總代理 特價
    商品代碼: 3299872
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    Fakopp 3D Acoustic Tomograph is able to non-destructively detect the size and location of decayed or hollow parts in the trunk. It works based on sound velocity measurement between several sensors around the trunk. The basic measurement principle is that sound velocity drops if there is a hole between two sensors.
    根據樹乾周圍多個傳感器之間的應力波傳輸速度測量,檢測出樹乾腐朽或中空部分的位置及大小。   基本測量原理是,如果有兩個傳感器之間有孔,那麼這兩個傳感器測得的應力波傳輸速度就會有差別。
    Step by step測試過程
    1.          Drive the transducers through the bark using a rubber hammer with even spacing around the trunk. 通過橡膠錘把傳感器固定在被測樣品上。
    2.          Measure the distances between the transducers with a caliper and enter the measured data to the computer. 各個傳感器直接的位置通過測量輸入電腦。
    3.          Tap each transducer with a steel hammer to generate sound waves. Fakopp 3D measures the travel times with microsecond precision to each transducer and transmits the data to the computer. 每個換能器將鋼錘產生的應力波在各傳感間三維傳播的行程時間微秒級測量精度的測量並傳輸數據到電腦。
    4.          The software calculates and displays the internal sound-velocity distribution of the tree. 該軟件計算和顯示出樹木的內部應力波速度分佈圖。
    5.          Measurements at several heights can be assembled into a 3D model 在不同高度的測量數據可組合成一個3D的模型
    User's Maunal
    You can download the User's Manualhere.
    Package contents 配置:
    SD02 Piezo transducers壓電換能器
    Amplifier boxes放大器盒
    Battery box主機含電池盒
    Cables to connect amplifier boxes and battery box  電纜:連接放大器,主機含電池盒。
    Caliper for measuring sensor positions (optional)  遊標卡尺用於測量傳感器位置•(可選)
    Sensor remover tool 傳感器安裝工具
    Tape measure卷尺
    Steel hammer for tapping transducers 小鋼錘
    Rubber hammer for fixing transducers橡膠錘
    Technical parameters技術參數
    Measured time precision精度
    +/- 2 microseconds
    Low noise SD02 piezo sensor
    Number of sensors 傳感器數量
    Variable from 8 up to 32
    Amplifier box size 放大器盒
    127 x 58 x 25 mm
    Power consumption 功率消耗
    240 mW
    Power supply 電源
    Standard (rechargeable) 9V block battery
    Continuous operation time with one battery 1塊電池的工作時間
    Approximately 2 hours
    Carrying case
    Peli Case 1500
    Total weight including case, hammers and 10 sensors without PC  重量
    6 kg
    PC connection 連接電腦的方式
    RS232 over cable or Bluetooth
    Data transmission time per sensor tap 采集數據時間間隔
    Below one sec
    Total measurement time of one tree
    at one layer including assembly, geometry registration,
    tapping and disassembly with 10 sensors 測試時間
    20 minutes
    Operating temperature range 工作溫度范圍
    0 to 40 degrees

    F3D 樹木應力波無損檢測機 總代理 特價_甲醛檢測儀器_室內環保檢測儀器_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i