品牌 | 美國模體實驗室CT性能模體 | 型號 | Catphan500 |
深圳灣邊貿易TEL:0755-86216601 CATPHAN 500 CT模體, phantomlab, CTP500價格優惠!Catphan 600, Catphan 700.
廠傢:The Phantom Laboratory
模體用來檢測醫院的CT性能,由塑料制成,它有兩個型號,分別是Catphan500和Catphan600. 另外一個是醫院的磁共振性能檢測模體,完全使用有機玻璃制成,也有兩個型號,其中的圓柱形,就是Magphan® SMR170,廠傢是美國模體實驗室。
Phantomlab與物理學傢兼哲學傢Goodenough, Ph.D., 共同努力發展瞭Catphan® 模體。新型的Catphan® 模體設計是基於醫療成像機器方麵二十多年的科學研究和臨床經驗。該種模體可以應用於軸向和螺旋CT掃描成像系統的各種操作評價以及質量保證系統。
·supra-slice 低對比度靈敏度
模體用來檢測醫院的CT性能,由塑料制成,Catphan500, Catphan600, Catphan5700, CTP500, CTP600, CTP700等. 另外一個是醫院的磁共振性能檢測模體,完全使用有機玻璃制成,也有兩個型號,其中的圓柱形,就是Magphan® SMR170,廠傢是美國模體實驗室。
Catphan 600®(Stock CTP600) - Complete Catphan® including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules: CTP404 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size CTP591 - Bead Geometry module CTP528 - 21 line pair high reslution and point source CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module Catphan® 500(Stock CTP500) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules: CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size CTP528 - 21 line pair high resolution and point source CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module Catphan® 412(Stock CTP412) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules: CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size |
CTP445 - MTF module with bead point source CTP446 - 20 line pair high resolution CTP263 - Low contrast CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module Catphan® 424(Stock CTP424) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules: CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size CTP445 - MTF module with bead point source CTP446 - 20 line pair high resolution CTP263 - Low contrast CTP422 - Liquid bath Catphan® 440(Stock CTP440) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules: CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size CTP592 - Low and high contrast resolution module |