
  • 深圳灣邊優勢代理進口美國模體實驗室CT性能模體 Catphan500 模體
    商品代碼: 3299438
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    深圳灣邊貿易TEL:0755-86216601  CATPHAN 500 CT模體, phantomlab, CTP500價格優惠!Catphan 600,  Catphan 700.


    廠傢:The Phantom Laboratory




    模體用來檢測醫院的CT性能,由塑料制成,它有兩個型號,分別是Catphan500和Catphan600. 另外一個是醫院的磁共振性能檢測模體,完全使用有機玻璃制成,也有兩個型號,其中的圓柱形,就是Magphan® SMR170,廠傢是美國模體實驗室。





     Phantomlab與物理學傢兼哲學傢Goodenough, Ph.D., 共同努力發展瞭Catphan® 模體。新型的Catphan® 模體設計是基於醫療成像機器方麵二十多年的科學研究和臨床經驗。該種模體可以應用於軸向和螺旋CT掃描成像系統的各種操作評價以及質量保證系統。
    ·supra-slice 低對比度靈敏度





    模體用來檢測醫院的CT性能,由塑料制成,Catphan500, Catphan600, Catphan5700, CTP500, CTP600, CTP700等. 另外一個是醫院的磁共振性能檢測模體,完全使用有機玻璃制成,也有兩個型號,其中的圓柱形,就是Magphan® SMR170,廠傢是美國模體實驗室。




    • patient alignment system check
    • low contrast sensitivity
    • comparative subslice and supra-slice low contrast sensitivity
    • spatial uniformity
    • scan incrementation
    • noise (precision) of CT systems
    • circular symmetry
    • sensitometry (linearity)
    • pixel (matrix) size
    • point spread function and modulation transfer function (MTF) for the x, y, and z axes
      Catphan® 700(Stock CTP700) - Complete Catphan® including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:
      CTP682 - Geometry sensitometry and point source module
      CTP714 - 30 line pair high resolution module
      CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast
      CTP721 - Wave insert
      CTP723 - Bead blocks
      CTP712 - Uniformity section

    Catphan 600®(Stock CTP600) - Complete Catphan® including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:

    CTP404 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size
    CTP591 - Bead Geometry module
    CTP528 - 21 line pair high reslution and point source
    CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast
    CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module

    Catphan® 500(Stock CTP500) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:

    CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size
    CTP528 - 21 line pair high resolution and point source
    CTP515 - Subslice and supra-slice low contrast
    CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module

    Catphan® 412(Stock CTP412) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:

    CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size

    CTP445 - MTF module with bead point source
    CTP446 - 20 line pair high resolution
    CTP263 - Low contrast
    CTP486 - Solid image uniformity module

    Catphan® 424(Stock CTP424) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:

    CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size
    CTP445 - MTF module with bead point source
    CTP446 - 20 line pair high resolution
    CTP263 - Low contrast
    CTP422 - Liquid bath

    Catphan® 440(Stock CTP440) - Complete Catphan including housing and case, equipped with the following test modules:

    CTP401 - Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size
    CTP592 - Low and high contrast resolution module

    CTP700Complete Catphan® 700 including housing, case, and test modules
    Includes the following: CTP682-Geometry sensitomety and point source module, CTP714-30 line pair high resolution module, CTP515- Subslice and supra-slice low contrast, CTP721 Wave insert, CTP723-Bead blocks, CTP712 Uniformity section
    CTP600Complete Catphan® 600 including housing, case, and test modules
    Includes the following: CTP404-Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size, CTP591-Bead geometry module, CTP528-21 line pair high resolution and point source, CTP515-Subslice and supra-slice low contrast, CTP486-Solid image uniformity module
    CTP500Complete Catphan® 500 including housing, case, and test modules. Includes the following:CTP401 Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size, CTP528-21 line pair high resolution and point source, CTP515-Subslice and supra-slice low contrast, CTP486-Solid image uniformity module
    CTP412Complete Catphan® 412 including housing, case, and test modules. Includes the following:CTP401-Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size, CTP446-20 line pair high resolution, CTP263-Low Contrast, CTP486-Solid image uniformity module
    CTP424Complete Catphan® 424 including housing, case, and test modules. Includes the following:Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size, CTP445-MTF module with bead point source, CTP446-20 line pair high resolution, CTP263-Low contrast, CTP422-Liquid bath.
    CTP440Complete Catphan® 440 including housing, case, and test modules. Includes the following:CTP401-Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size, CTP592-Low and high contrast resolution module
    CTP401Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size module
    CTP404Slice width, sensitometry and pixel size module
    CTP445MTF Module with bead point source
    CTP44620 line pair high resolution module
    CTP52821 line pair high resolution and point source module
    CTP422Liquid Bath
    CTP486Solid image uniformity module
    CTP263Low Contrast Module
    CTP515Sub-slice and supra-slice low contrast module
    CTP592Low and high contrast resolution module
    CTP59140mm bead geometry module
    CTP50116cm housing and mount with modules CTP591 & CTP486-3
    CTP295Liquid bath scan alignments inserts
    CTP291Liquid bath acrylic LSF inserts
    CTP299Teflon annulus
    CTP53930cm OD uniformity material body annulus
    CTP54035cm OD uniformity material body annulus
    CTP65038cm OD uniformity material body annulus
    CTP57925-35cm oval OD uniformity material body annulus
    CTP65130-38cm oval OD uniformity material body annulus
    CTP59945-55cm oval OD uniformity material body annulus
    CTP32632cm OD acrylic body annulus
    CTP54116cm OD housing and mount
    CTP53635cm center off-center housing
    CTP55332cm Acrylic Dose Phantom
    CTP55416cm Acrylic Dose Phantom
    CTP558Dose Phantom Set includes 16cm & 32cm

    深圳灣邊優勢代理進口美國模體實驗室CT性能模體 Catphan500 模體_射線檢測儀器_室內環保檢測儀器_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
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