
  • G82238 室內空氣質量檢測機,直銷室內空氣質量檢測機
    商品代碼: 3298740
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    室內空氣質量檢測機 型號:G82238


    室內空氣質量檢測機 型號:G82238應用領域:


    1、高靈敏度:世界獨一無二的檢測器系統,裝載三個檢測器 : 光電倍增管用於紫外區和可見區, InGaAs 和 PbS 檢測器用於近紅外區 .jc InGaAs 檢測器覆蓋瞭光電倍增管和 PbS 檢測器的薄弱范圍,保證瞭整個測試范圍的高靈敏度 . <0.00003 Abs 1500 nm,:為世界最高靈敏度。

    2、高分辨率:寬測試范圍和超低雜散光 采用高性能雙單色器,超低雜散光 (<0.00005% 340 nm) 高分辨率 ( 0.1 nm). 測試范圍 185 – 3300 nm, 覆蓋瞭紫外、可見、近紅外區 .








    1. 測定所需水必須為純凈水或者蒸餾水。

    2. 氣泡吸收瓶且勿接入進氣孔,否則會產生倒吸,損壞機器。 (如誤操作產生倒吸,隻需空開啟機器一個小時,風乾吸入的液體後,機器就可恢復正常)

    3. 所有玻璃器具在使用前與使用後,需用純凈水、蒸餾水清洗乾凈。

    4. 每次檢測結束後應及時氣泡吸收瓶中有色溶液,再用純凈水、蒸餾水清洗乾凈,以防玷污和腐蝕比色瓶和氣泡吸收瓶。

    5. 顯色後的jc甲醛試劑(二)試管插入分光數據傳輸口後,必須插緊鎖定,以防止雜散光進入。若固體或溶液進入分光數據傳輸口中,必須擦凈後再放入分光比色

    The basic parameters monitor air quality
    Rated voltage: DC 5 v
    Product size: 185 * 98 * 55 mm rated power: 0.5 W
    Net weight: 0.21 kg function is introduced
    When temperature and humidity display function:
    Built-in inlet temperature and humidity sensor, but time detection of the temperature and humidity of the indoor environment.
    When air pollution detection:
    By air quality sensor sensing indoor harmful gas, and comprehensive judging the current environment parameters such as temperature and humidity and the concentration of harmful gases and give a specific value, the air quality index, the index is the current environmental pollution degree of a quantitative description.
    Main pollutant detection function: can detect the current environment of the primary pollutants, the largest concentration of pollutants.
    To show the change trend of air pollution: provide indoor environmental air pollution degree of change within the past 24 h.
    When the clock and stopwatch function: it can display the current time, and provides the stopwatch function.
    "Air quality monitoring instructions"
    Remind health table use related issues: pollution index value range is 0 to 99; 0 ~ 30 said air quality; 31 ~ 50 said had mild air pollution; Above 50 indicates a serious pollution, it is necessary to take measures to governance.
    Specific pollutants tip will be displayed on the screen: particulate matter, bad breath, secondhand smoke (refers to the particle pollution and the state of mixing gas pollutants, such as the kitchen smoke is also a hint of secondhand smoke). If prompt particles, on behalf of air dust is bigger, easy to cause lung disease; If prompt peculiar smell, the smell of the current environment air and the smell of the normal air existence very big difference, particle pollution and gas mixing action of pollutants, pollution will be aggravated




    產品為冠 源於精測
         精品搖籃 王者之選

    G82238 室內空氣質量檢測機,直銷室內空氣質量檢測機_VOC檢測儀器_室內環保檢測儀器_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i