Product Features
1. 無需對樣品做前期處理,簡單、方便、快捷地實現貴重金屬的無損檢測。
Don't need to do preliminary processing, to realize nondestructive testing of precious metals,simply,conveniently and speedy.
2. 具有自主知識產權的探測器保護裝置,能最大限度保護探測器,延長其使用壽命,降低客戶使用成本。
With independent intellectual property rights protection device of the detector, detector can be protected maximum , prolong the service life and decrease the use-cost of customer.
3. 獨創自動選擇校準曲線功能,保證貴金屬測試結果的準確可靠。
Exclusivity the function of automatic calibration curve,ensure the precious metals testing results accurately and reliably
4. 自主研發的形狀補償功能,能根據樣品的形狀大小,自動實現形狀補償。
Independent research and development of shape compensation function, can compensated according to the shape of the sample size, automatically
5. 采用高清晰攝像頭對首飾進行精確定位。
Precise localization the jewelry by high-definition cameras
6. 高精度數字多道采集系統,解決峰道漂移帶來誤差。
High precision digital multi-channel acquisition system, solve the peak drift error
7. 獨特的智能風冷實現機器冷卻的智能化。
Unique intelligent air cooling realize the instruments intelligentize.
8. 采用一鍵式操作界麵,操作靈活,使用方便,即學即會。
Using one-click interface, flexible operation, easy to use, learn easier.
9. 一鍵式打印功能,輕松實現測量報告打印。
One-click printing function, easy print measurement report.
1. 分析元素及含量范圍:Au(金)、Ag(銀)、Pt(鉑)、Pd(鈀)、Rh(銠)、Os(鋨)Ir(銥)、Ru(釕)、Cu(銅)、Zn(鋅)、Ni(鎳)等元素,並能檢測貴金屬首飾中的有毒有害元素,分析范圍2ppm-99.99%
Measurable elements:Au、Ag、Pt、Pd、Rh、Os、Ir、Ru、Cu、Zn、Ni and so on,and detect the poisonous and harmful elements in jewelry of precious metal,element content:2ppm-99.99%
2. 測量時間:5-100s(可調)
Measurement time 5-100s(adjustable)
3. 探測器:美國進口電制冷Si-Pin探測器,分辨率達到149±5eV
Detector: US import electric refrigeration Si-Pin detector, the resolution reach 149±5 ev
4. X射線管:W靶,安全性能符合最新國傢標準GB11887-2012
X-ray tube:W target, safety performance in accordance with the latest national standard GB11887-2012
5. 高壓單元:美國進口高壓,輸出電壓為0-50KV,輸出電流0-1000uA
High pressure unit: US import high pressure, the output voltage from 0 to 50 kv, output current from0 to 1000.
6. 準直器:2種準直器可供選擇,自由靈活
Collimator: two kinds of collimator be selected, free and flexible
7. 額定功率:100W
Rated Power:100W
8. 機器外觀尺寸:380mm×360mm×395mm
Instrument appearance size:380mm×360mm×395mm
9. 機器重量:28kg
Instrument weight:28Kg
10. 長期工作穩定性:重復性≤0.1%,穩定性≤0.1%
Excellent repeatability:
電話:0514-85586210 85587620
我公司本著: 求實、誠信、互惠、雙贏的經營理念,堅持: 客戶至上、服務真誠的服務宗旨,以良好的商業信譽和行業道德,實用穩定的產品、及時周到的服務贏得廣大客戶的信賴。公司以滿足用戶需求為己任,為客戶提供從設計、生產到培訓等人性化的全程服務,提供真正適合用戶需要的個性化產品。
