2.1矽針半導體探測器及放大電路Silicon Pin Semiconductor Detector and Amplifier Circuit
2.2大功率光管X-Ray Tube
2.3高、低壓電源(美國SPELLMAN)High/Low Voltage Power Supply
2.4 多道脈沖幅度分析器Multi-Channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer
2.5高精密攝像頭High-Resolution Camera
2.6 移動平臺Movable Platform
2.7 超大樣品腔big Sample Chamber
2.8 準直器自動切換裝置Automatic Switching Device for Collimators
2.9濾光片自動切換裝置Automatic Switching Device for Filters
2.10準直器和濾光片自由組合Free Combinations Between Collimators and Filters
(天瑞)能量色散X射線熒光光譜機-------EDX 1800B型
Name and model of the product: Skyray Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer - EDX 1800B
The elements can be analyzed from the sulphur (S) to uranium (U)
The element content range from 1 ppm to 99.99% can be analyzed.
1.6.3.測量時間:60-200秒 Measurement time: 60-200s
Detecting for hazardouselements(onlyCd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br)restricted in RoHS directive, the limit can reach 2ppm and Cl, the limit can reach 50ppm.
The measurement repeatability on many occasions can reach 0.1% of total intensity of fluorescence when the content of samples is greater than 96%.
Long-term working stability being 0.1% (total intensity offluorescence)
1.6.8.能量分辨率為165±5電子伏特Energy resolution: 165±5eV
1.6.9.溫度適應范圍為15℃至30℃Suitable temperature range is from 15℃ to 30℃
Power supply: AC 220±5V. The purified AC regulated power supply is recommended.)
1.6.11.相互獨立的基體效應校正模型 Independent matrix effect correction model
1.6.12.多變量非線性回歸程序Multi-variable non-linear regression procedure
1.6.13.任意多個可選擇的分析和識別模型 Arbitrary optional analysis and identification models
1.6.14.一次可同時分析24個元素 Ability toanalyze24 elements simultaneously
2.1 矽針半導體探測器+放大電路:(最新型的探測器)
Silicon Pin Semiconductor Detector + Amplifier Circuit(streamlined detector)
技術指標及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
2.1.1.電制冷半導體探測器;分辨率:165±5電子伏特Electro-refrigeration semiconductor detector; Resolution: 165±5eV
2.1.2.對樣品特征X射線進行探測;把探測采集的信息進一步放大。對樣品的檢出限、測試精度大大提高。Detecting characteristic X rays of the samples, and amplifying the information from the detection. The detection limit is reduced and detection accuracy is increased greatly.
2.2 X光管X-Ray Tube
技術指標及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
2.2.1.使用壽命大於2萬小時Service life is longer than 20,000 hours.
2.2.2.產生X射線激發樣品Emitting X rays to excite the samples
2.3高、低壓電源High/Low Voltage Power Supply
技術指標及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
2.3.1.從5~50kV,1毫安 5~50kV, 1mA
2.3.2.為X光提供專用電源 Providing power supply exclusively to X-ray
2.4 MCA多道分析器: Multi-Channel Analyzer
技術指標及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
Data processing with the collected signals, and transferring the results to the computer
2.5 高精密攝像頭130萬(CCD) High Resolution CCD Camera
試樣觀察Observing samples
2.6 移動平臺Movable Platform
The movable platform finely adjusts the samples, ensuring the accurate location of sample testing.
2.7 超大樣品腔 Super Large Sample Chamber
樣品腔尺寸(460mm×298mm×98mm) Size of the sample chamber: 450mm×280mm×180mm
2.8準直器自動切換 Automatic Switch Between Collimators
Thecollimators with facular diameters of0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8mmswitch automatically.
2.9 濾光片自動切換 Automatic Switch Between Filters
Customers can choose freely from the five filters, and they switch automatically.
2.10 準直器和濾光片的自由組合 Free Combinations Between Collimators and Filters
There are tens of combinations between the collimators and the filters.
3.1 計算機 Computer 聯想品牌
Function: Helps the X-ray analyzer with data processing
3.1.2配置:操作系統 Configuration: OS – Windows 2000/XP
3.1.3內存 Memory: 4G
3.1.4顯示器 Monitor: 19” SVGA LCD
3.1.5硬盤 500GB 7200轉,SATA
3.1.6光驅 DVD-ROM: 24X or more
3.1.7CPU Intel奔騰雙核E6600
3.2彩色噴墨打印機 Color Ink-Jet Printer佳能品牌
3.2.1作用:用於將所分析結果從電腦輸出。Function: To print out the analysis results from the computer.
9.1對客戶方操作人員進行培訓。We provide training to the operators of the customers.
9.2安裝、調試、驗收、培訓及技術服務均為免費在用戶方現場對操作人員進行培訓。Installation, debugging, checking, training and technology service are free, and we provide field training to the operation staff of our customers. .
9.4產品終身維修。(客戶必須有填寫詳細、真實的有效購買憑證,發票和保修卡等)We provide maintenance for life. Please keep the valid purchase warrant, invoice, and warranty card with your full address and contact information.
9.5免費提供軟件升級,強大的研發團隊能保證軟件升級的及時性,準確性。The upgrade service of the software is free.
9.6提供最有效的技術服務,在接到用戶故障信息後,4小時內響應,如有需要,24-72小時內派人上門維修和排除故障。We provide the most effective technical service. We make response within 4 hours after receiving fault notification from the customers, and will send our staff to their site for repairing and troubleshooting within 48 hours if necessary.
