LCD數字光顯示當前milliroentgens輻射水平(mR) 每小時(mR/hr),或每分鐘計數(CPM),當Si(公制)單位選擇,或微西弗特或每秒的計數。
The International Medcom CRM-100 is a hand-held radiation detector that detects potentially harmful ionizing alpha and beta particles, and gamma and x-ray radiation, and features an accumulated total timer function, a Geiger-Mueller (G-M) tube, and LCD digital display of milliroentgens (mR) per hour (mR/hr), counts per minute (CPM), microSieverts (μSv) per hour (μSv/hr), or counts per second (CPS). This radiation detector has the ability to detect levels of the four main types of ionizing alpha and beta particles, and gamma rays and x-rays over automatic operational ranges. It is optimized to detect small changes (low levels) in radiation levels and to have high sensitivity to many common radionuclides.
The CRM-100 features a 4-digit LCD digital display that updates every three seconds. It displays current radiation level in choice of mR/hr, or CPM; or when SI (metric) units are seleced, in μSv/hr, or CPS. The detector counts ionizing radiation changes at 3-second intervals. At low background levels, which are typical in a geographic area, the count updat is the moving average for the most recent 30-second time period. A moving average helps smooth out short-term data fluctuations. The time period for the moving average decreases, as radiation levels increase. A red LED light flashes with each ionization event. The instrument has an accumulated total count and a timer function that provides total event count for a timed period (from one minute to 40 hours) to determine average CPM for higher accuracy. The radiation detector has an audio indicator with an internally mounted beeper that can be muted. Total timer, audio on/off and units of measurement are selected and displayed using the front-panel mode indicators.
This radiation detector has a halogen-quenched, Geiger-Mueller (G-M) tube with a pancake-shaped mica end window for sensing ionizing radiation. The unit is used for surveying levels of potentially harmful ionizing particles and rays in the environment such as in naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) contamination, contamination detection of packages, and equipment, and in first responder, personal safety, educational, and ambient monitoring applications. It comes in a protective soft carrying case. The Radalert CRM 100 comes with a Certificate of Conformance. It cannot be returned.
