產品型號model | 電源及信號 Power & signal | 功能特點function | 版本號 Version number |
CAKJ-XHB-48L(v3.3)-6U 48路中央信號報警 48route central signal alarm device | 電源power: 1,AC220V 2,AC240V 3,DC220V 4,DC110V State in order
信號signal: 1,無源接點 Passive connect 2,有源DC220V Active connect DC220V 3,有源DC110V Active connect DC110V 4,有源DC24 Active connect DC24V 訂貨指明 State in order | 1、麵板具備液晶顯示,顯示運行時鐘,各類信號設置和信號報警及恢復記錄、查詢等功能,中英文界麵可選。 Panel has LCD screen to display time, various signal setting and signal alarm, regain records and search functions, chinese and english interface selectable. 2、具備試驗(試燈)、確認(接受)、消音、復歸、信號記憶、追憶和清除功能。並自帶功能按鈕。 Has test(testing light), confirm(accept),silence,reset, signal memories, recall and clear function, and has function button. Able to distinguish trip signal, non-trip signal and site signal. 4、光字牌顏色可選紅色、黃綠色、琥珀色 Alarm window can choose red, green and amber. Device has buzzer, trip long sound, non-trip short sound, site silence. 6、輸入信號可短時接通(脈沖型)和長時間接通。 Input signal able to short time connect(pulse mode)and long time connect. Has attendant and unattended shift function. Has external audio device or bells, electrical whistle control output connect to amplify sound. 9、具備遙信輸出接點和本裝置電源故障或電源消失輸出接點。 Has telecommand output connect and power failure or power off output connect. General RS 485 communication connect, MODBUS communication agreement. 11、可現場設置報警路數,自動確認時間,通訊地址、波特率,接點類型,清除記憶信號,消音或開啟,事故、預告和位置對應信號。Able to set alarm route on field, and able to confirm time, communication address, baud rate , connect model, clear memory signal, silence or sound, trip, non trip and site signal automatically. 12、事件記錄:可查詢信號發生時刻和恢復時刻(年月日時分秒),最最多可存儲200條事件記錄 Event record: able to check signal occur time and return time (yyyy-mm-dd, hh-mm-ss), able to save maximum 200 event records.
| v3.3 |
