直銷機器機表 熱計量表系列大口徑超音波 冷熱量表價格麵議
- 利用超音波信號時差法為原理,實現高精度測量;Acoording to ultrasonic singnal fly-time.The meter can get highly gree of preciseness
- 完全不受介質中雜質、化學物質和磁性材料影響; Not to influence by impurity.mecharical material and magnet material in meofum
- 測量機構無運動部件,永不磨損;The test system has no move part .never abrasion
- 水平、垂直、傾斜或在供回水任意安裝,且無直管段要求;Level vertical. incline or other point of pipe can be fix .and dong't need the straight pipe segment
- 極小的壓力損失;Small pressure losing
- 直通式超音波通道,信號不受乾擾;Straight ultrasoric alleyway. the signal will not be influence
- 超音波通道中無反射麵,真正水流無阻擋;The ultraconic alleyway has to echo face.the cunent will not be block
- 管道震動不影響計量;The vibration will not influent the measurf
- 積分機外掛式結構,滿足所有安裝要求;The integraph be fix outer. satisfied all or fix request
![北京益都 機器機表 熱計量表系列大口徑超音波 冷熱量表_熱學計量標準器具_計量標準器具_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發](http://www.marketplace.com.tw/skin/en/image/step.jpg)