交貨期3-7天 歡迎咨詢 訂購!
1 .當氮氣彈簧作為獨立部件使用時,安裝到模具後,在使用壽命范圍內一般無需拆卸維修。
2 .若將氮氣彈簧連成系統使用,一般需由經過專門訓練的人員或專業人員的指導,應特別註意在氣缸中的氮氣尚未完全釋放前,
嚴禁 拆卸或進行維修,以防意外事故發生。
3 .氮氣彈簧下端的螺釘主要起保護和加強密封作用,不得擅自拆卸和隨意敲擊。
4 .推薦工作行程≤0 . 9 X S(制造行程),嚴禁超行程壓縮。
5 .被活塞桿上端頂壓的工件之接觸麵與活塞桿軸線的不垂直度應≤1°(即應保持垂直,嚴禁偏載)。
6 .不可有側作用力,壓縮作用力必須以缸體底部垂直。
7 .氮氣彈簧在被壓縮後,不要使活塞桿自由空回程,以免引起氮氣彈簧內部損壞。
8 .註意保持活塞桿圓柱表麵的清潔,避免刮傷或刻痕,嚴禁敲擊碰撞。
9 .嚴禁將氮氣彈簧置於烈日下暴曬和高熱源環境中,最高允許溫度8 0°C(特制耐高溫氮氣彈簧例外) 。
1 0 .氮氣彈簧應存放在乾燥通風、無腐蝕性氣體環境中包裝存放; 拆箱安裝後如長期不使用時可 在為其表麵塗抹油脂保護防腐。
1 2 .不得為減小行程而將活塞桿截短。
1 3 .不得對氮氣彈簧及其附件進行其它加工。
1 4 .不得以非氮氣氣體充填氮氣彈簧。
1 5 .嚴禁非專業人員對氮氣彈簧進行拆解和改造,否則將導致安全問題。
1 6 .將氮氣彈簧底部固定在平整的固定板上,使用過程中,氮氣彈簧不允許有搖動或竄動現象。
1 7 .氮氣彈簧運輸時應使用專用包裝物進行包裝,不得相互碰撞。
1 8 .報廢時請將廢氮氣彈簧隔離存放,不能與其它產品混裝,更不能以重物壓在廢缸體上。
1 9 .處理時請將氮氣彈簧內的氣體全部放出後再進行其它處理。
TOAN” Nitrogen Gas Spring contains high pressure nitrogen gas, each of TOAN gas springs is strictly inspected and tested;
any of leaking gas or damages are not allowed. Therefore we ask our customers install and use MASON correctly to ensure their safety
and TOAN’s reliable and suitable lifetime.
1.When gas spring is self-contained, normally there is no need to dismount after being installed in die.
2.At linked mode, only specially trained personnel with good knowledge about products should carry out the maintenance. To
avoid any of accidents, DO NOT attempt maintenance spring until internal pressure is exhausted.
3.Port plug is for the purpose of protection and seal. Do not release and strike.
4.The recommended stroke is less than 90% x stroke.
5.It is necessary to have a flat surf a c e a g a i n s t t h e base of the spring in all circumstances. Contact misalignment should be
minimized < 1°
6.The gas spring should not be subject to side loads. Never allow open clearances in a bottom mount or horizontal application.
7.Do not use the gas spring in such a way that the piston rod is released freely from its compressed position as this could cause
internal damage to the gas spring.
8.Keep piston rod clean. Avoid any of scratch and injury. Protect the piston rod against mechanical damage and contact with fluids.
9.The maximum operating temperature 80℃ (Except special high temperature resistance gas spring) Do not expose gas spring
under sunshine and high heat.
10.Store gas spring under dry and ventilation
11.Do not machine or modify.
12.Do not machine piston rod to fit the stroke.
13.Do not machine cylinder and its parts.
14.Do not charge any of gas except nitrogen.
15.only trained and skilled technicians could mount and connect gas springs; otherwise there will be a safety concern.
16.Use the recommended mount solutions and dispose properly.
17.Pack properly and keep away from bumping while delivering.
18.While disposing, store gas springs separately. Do not mix with other products and put under any of heavy material.
19.Discharge gas completely before discard or any of disposing.
