- 產品品牌:一川金品機械
- 產品型號:YC-290A
- 形式:電動
- 電源電壓:220 V
- 送料形式:振動盤平送自動送料
- 外形尺寸:1500L*1200W*1500H
- 加工量:160-230pcs/分
- 重量:450
- 腳長:2.0-38 mm
- 外形尺寸:1500L*1200W*1500H mm
- 重量:450 kg
YC-290 全自動高速成型剪腳機YC-290 High-speed automatic molding machine cut foot設備特點:● 進口凸輪傳動機械,精確穩定,耐用且噪音低,各零件組特殊硬化處理,使用壽命長。● 整套系統采用西門子PLC控制,穩定性超強,操作界面為觸摸屏,方便易學,數據調整更方便。● 變頻器無段微調速度控制。● 上夾開夾系統為齒條式,更換夾具中心線不變且產品無夾傷,改規格更方便,¢4-¢6共用一套夾具,¢8-¢10共用一套夾具。● 特殊成型式樣可按客戶不同的要求訂做。● 設備具有防靜電功能。Equipment characteristics:● Driven by the cams imported with the original packing, the machine can have the stable grinding precision of 0.01mm with low noise.● It can function at least more than 18 years because of its special hardened components. ● The clamping and unclamping system is a kind of rack-type system without possibility of damaging components. It can facilitate replacement of specifications. The components of ¢4-¢6 can share a set of clamps and those of ¢8-¢10 another. The clamps for Those above ¢10 should be selected as required.● The equipment automatically distinguishes and checks the polarity of components and remove the nonconforming products ● The shaping methods include cutting longer of shorter, bending and cutting straight products can be shaped as required differently by customers.● The equipment can prevent static electricity and is equipped with the ion blower. ◆適用元件LED/發光二極管、三極管、鋁電解電容、金屬化薄膜電容、安規電容、石英晶體等直立式元件。Applicable components: LED/light-emitting diodes, transistors, aluminum ,electrolytic capacitors, metallic film capacitors, inductors diodes, resistors and others.◆備注:特殊成型樣式可以根據客戶提供的尺寸圖定做模具。電 源: Parameters 220V/50Hz/1KW工作氣壓 the use of air 4KG/cm2生產速度:production speed 160-230pcs/min成型腳距:Forming lead wire distance 2.5mm,5.0mm 7.5mm 10mm 15mm 20mm 25mm切腳高度:Cut length of the product 2.5mm-28mm包裝方式:packing type 散裝 Bulk機械尺寸:Mechanical dimensions 1500L*100W*1500H(mm) 機械重量:Mechanical weight 400KG
提供電子元件全自動插件前道設備:編帶機,成型切腳機等。為客戶提供電子元件編帶來料加工。 本公司生產的設備有:各式導針式元器件編帶機、led編帶機、三極管編帶機、鋁電解電容編帶機、滌綸電容編帶機、金屬化薄膜電容編帶機、SMD半自動/全自動編帶機、全自動載帶成型機、全自動成型切腳機、led彎腳機等.于零六年新開發一款設備:同軸式臥式轉立式編帶機(適用于色碼電感、電阻、二極管、晶體管等同軸臥式產品)等設備廣泛用于電子元器件生產廠家、各類電器生產廠家,使各企業大大的節省了人力資源與設備投資。