玻尿酸原液Hyaluronic acid concentrate 產品成份:去離子水、玻尿酸、黃瓜精華液、氨基酸、維C精華、甘油、丁二醇、積雪草、白芍藥精華、氨基酸保濕劑、海藻提取物、馬齒筧提取液、紅石榴提取液、苯甲酸鈉。 Ingredients: deionized water, hyaluronic acid, cucumber essence, amino acid, vitamin C essence, glycerin, butanediol, cat 's-foot, root of herbaceous peony medicine essence, amino acid moisturizing factor, seaweed extract, horse tooth rain-water extract, red pomegranate extract, sodium benzoate. 產品功效:超級透明質酸鎖緊更多水分,千倍補水,密集滋潤,舒緩改善肌膚乾燥粗糙,淡化細紋,從根本上解決肌膚缺水問題。迅速滲透肌膚角質層,滋潤直達肌膚底層,瞬間深層補水,讓肌膚水漾柔滑。超強保濕功效,增強肌膚彈性,更見水嫩,提亮膚色。超卓的肌膚吸收保濕劑,增強皮膚吸收能力,幫助其他護膚品成份極致發揮令功效更顯著。 Product function: super lock more water, hyaluronic acid moisturizing one thousand times, intensive moisturizing and soothing improve dry skin coarse, fade out fine lines, fundamentally solve the shortage of water in the skin. Quickly penetrate into the skin cutin layer and moist to skin, replenishing water instantly, let skin water overflow and smoothly. Super moisturizing effect, enhance skin elasticity, more see water tender, carry bright color of skin. The skin to absorb moisturizing factor, enhance skin absorption capacity, help other skincare ingredients acme play more remarkable efficacy. 適用人群:所有膚質,尤其是缺水性肌膚。 Appropriate crowd: all skin types, especially dehydrated skin. 使用方法:潔膚爽麵後,可以直接塗抹至肌膚上使用。 Usage: after cleansing and bright surface, can apply directly to the skin.
EGF修復原液(四效合一:修復緊致、提亮膚色、保濕嫩膚、延緩衰老)EGF repair concentrate(four effect syncretic: repair firming, carry bright color of skin, moisturize skin, delay ageing) 產品成份:去離子水、EGF表皮生長因子、丁二醇、丙二醇、螺旋藻提取物、洋甘菊提取液、馬齒莧提取液、葡聚糖、泛醇、蘆芭油、神經酰胺、透明質酸鈉、卡波姆、甘草酸二鉀、羥苯甲酯、三乙醇胺、尿囊素、苯氧乙醇、聚氧乙烯(20)單月桂酸酯。 Ingredients: deionized water, EGF epidermal growth factor, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, spirulina extract, chamomile extract, purslane extract, glucan, panthenol, reed ba oil, ceramide, sodium hyaluronate, carbomer, glycyrrhizic acid potassium, hydroxy benzene methyl 2, triethanolamine, allantoin, phenoxyethanol, polyoxyethylene (20) single lauric acid ester. 產品功效: 1、 修復緊致:EGF原液可以促進受損表皮肌膚的高效修復與再生,對燒傷、燙傷、光療等多種表皮創傷有顯著修復功效;EGF原液在促進皮下膠原蛋白合成的同時增加皮膚彈性,從而收縮毛孔回復肌膚青春活力。 2、延緩衰老:EGF原液能促進表皮細胞組織內多種細胞的生長分裂,並促進膠原蛋白生長、修復老化斷裂的膠原彈性纖維,使肌膚恢復年輕活力狀態,從而達到除皺紋功效; 3、提亮膚色:EGF通過促進細胞新陳代謝來替代衰老細胞降低皮膚中黑色素及有色細胞的含量,同時增加皮膚血流量改善皮膚微循環有效減少黑色素的沉積,起到提亮膚色的作用; 4、保濕嫩膚:EGF原液能促進細胞外透明質酸、粘多糖等合成和分泌,維持真皮內水分使表皮內角質層水分保持能力增強,還原肌膚水潤活力; Product function: 1, repair the firming: EGF concentrate can promote the efficient repair and regeneration of the damaged skin epidermis, of burn and scald, phototherapy skin wound repair efficacy significantly; EGF concentrate on promoting the skin collagen synthesis and increase skin elasticity, thus contractive pore skin youthful vitality. 2, anti-aging: EGF concentrate can promote the growth of epidermal cells tissue in a variety of cell division, and promote the growth of collagen, repair aging rupture of collagen and elastic fibers make the skin restore youthful energy state, so as to achieve except wrinkles effect; 3, carry bright color of skin: EGF, through improve the metabolism of cells to replac old cells reduce the melanin in the skin and the content of colored cells, at the same time, increasing the flow of blood to the skin to improve skin microcirculation ? reduction effectively 適合膚質:適合任何肌膚,皮膚暗黃人群特別推薦。 Suitable skin types: suitable for any skin, skin dark Huang Renqun particularly recommended 使用方法:潔麵後,建議在完成爽膚水或使用玻尿酸原液護膚步驟後使用,也可以直接使用. Usage: after facial cleaning, it is recommended to complete the toner or use hyaluronic acid concentrate skin care steps after use, also can be used directly. 註意事項:由於本品成分純度極高,滲透力強,個別皮膚與之接觸前1-2分鐘有輕微的刺痛,屬正常反應,5分鐘後此反應會消失。敏感膚質使用本品時,配合先使用玻尿酸原液產品,或用爽膚水對其稀釋後再使用。 Note: due to the product composition of high purity, high penetrability, 1 to 2 minutes before the individual contact with the skin has a slight tingling, belongs to the normal reaction, the reaction will disappear in five minutes. When using this product with sensitive qualitative skin, cooperate to use hyaluronic acid concentrate products, or use a toner to its diluted before use.
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