Kanuo Drawing Oil MEC 380A/B/C/D
用 途 |
◆用於低碳鋼板等的沖壓拉伸成型加工,如電池殼,餐具,電機外殼等的加工 |
| ◆Used for stamping, drawing and pulling of low carbon steel making, such as shell of battery, tableware and shell of electromotor etc. |
◆也可用於有色金屬如銅、鋁、鋅等的沖壓拉伸成型加工。 |
| ◆Also can be used for stamping, drawing and pulling of non-ferro metal, like copper, aluminum and zinc. |
◆KANUO MEC 380有多種粘度牌號可供選擇以適應不同的加工要求。 |
| ◆With various viscosity, KANUO MEC 380 can suitable for different stamping and drawing. |
◆KANUO MEC 380C/D為含非活性添加劑的沖壓拉伸油,有較高的粘度和良好的防銹性,可用於厚度達2-3mm以上的冷軋鋼板沖壓成型加工。
| ◆KANUO MEC 380C/D can be used for drawing cold rolling steel plate that the thickness is more than 2-3mm. |
特 性 |
◆以精制礦物油為基礎油,精選特種添加劑調配而成。 |
| ◆Be made of refinement mineral oil, selec special type additive. |
◆具有優良的油性和極壓抗磨性,能有效地保護模具,提高精沖件的表麵質量及精度,延長模具使用壽命。 |
| ◆Excellent oiliness and anti-wear of extreme pressure, effective protect the forms, raise the surface quality of punching product and precision, last the form’s life longer.
◆可用噴淋、泵送、滴塗、掃塗、過油轆等施塗方式。 |
| ◆Can be applied by spray, pump, dipping, roller coating or brushing. |
◆無毒、低氣味,不污染環境。 |
| ◆Tasteless, innocently. |
典型數據 |
產品名稱 | MEC 380A | MEC 380B | MEC 380C | MEC 380D |
粘度(cSt/40℃) | 70 | 110 | 320 | 430 |
比重(15℃) | 0.881 | 0.885 | 0.887 | 0.889 |
閃點(℃) | 226 | 234 | 258 | 268 |
外觀 | 油狀液體 | 油狀液體 | 油狀液體 | 油狀液體 |
