VRA-TYPE RIGHT ANGLE MILLING HEAD橫銑頭 VRA TYPE RIGHT,“ANGLE”, MILLING H E A D, VRA TYPE,R I G H T,A N G L E,”MILLING”,HEAD,”橫銑頭”,橫銑頭,M i l l i n g,machine,”accessories”,a t t a c h m e n t,a c c e s s o r i e s,”attachment”, Milling m a c h i n e,accessories,attachment,1.USED ON Vertical Milling Machine to make horizontal work.,2.Rigidity constructed suitable for heavy-duty cutting.,3.The clamping bushing to suit milling machine, 4.Maximum spindle speed allowed right angle. 2000 R.P.M. 1. USED ON Vertical Milling Machine to make horizontal work. 2. Rigidity constructed suitable for heavy-duty cutting. 3. The clamping bushing to suit milling machine 4. Maximum spindle speed allowed right angle. 2000 R.P.M. , MILLING H E A D, VRA TYPE,R I G H T,A N G L E,”MILLING”,HEAD,”橫銑頭”,橫銑頭,M i l l i n g,machine,”accessories”,a t t a c h m e n t,a c c e s s o r i e s,”attachment”, Milling m a c h i n e,accessories,attachment,1.USED ON Vertical Milling Machine to make horizontal work.,2.Rigidity constructed suitable for heavy-duty cutting.,3.The clamping bushing to suit milling machine, 4.Maximum spindle speed allowed right angle. 2000 R.P.M. Key word,Taiwan VERTEX is the biggest professional NC,CNC,machine tool accessories & high precision machinery manufacturer for milling,grinding machine,machining center and a compelete total 1 solution.VERTE Please notify the quill dia. When ordering Key word,Taiwan VERTEX is the biggest professional NC,CNC,machine tool accessories & high precision machinery |