切 削 刀 具:日本NACHI 不二越鉆頭銑刀絲錐帶鋸 ,臺灣CMT,HKF,CTA鎢鋼銑刀,美國HANITA/LBK高精度鎢鋼銑刀內冷鉆頭,,臺灣三井益全內外徑車刀,德國鈷領鉆頭,日本OSG(TOSG)絲攻(絲錐),螺帽絲錐 滾絲輪,牙板牙規,板牙,德國滾花輪刀桿, 法國SAFETY刀片刀桿,日本東芝,/ 攀時/克洛依/日立/瑞士Lamina刀片。
數控刀具:臺灣AW安威LK精粗搪刀, 臺灣TJF泰精刀桿刀盤,臺灣MR明祿刀具刀盤側銑刀,BT刀柄,銑刀把 強力銑刀夾頭,舍棄式玉米粗銑刀,美國AMCE鏟型鉆頭成型鉆,日本BTA深孔鉆深孔絞刀系列,日本富士元麵銑刀盤,橫向銑頭,動力刀座,舍棄式快速留芯鉆頭,微調精搪孔系統,電動主軸增速器,鎖刀座 主軸測試棒,臺灣廣傑刀柄延長桿夾頭筒夾,耐久搪刀鉆銑萬用刀桿,銓寶鉆夾頭,日本聖和 SHOEA精密高速刀把鏜刀
機 床 附件:臺灣精展銑床磨床配件,沖子成型器 沖子研磨機 砂輪修整器麗勛陶瓷尋邊器,Z軸設定器,麗勛高速頂針磨刀機 絲攻研磨機,臺灣振榮黃油泵註油機分配器,英國電控永磁吸盤夾緊裝置,永磁吊重器,磁棒鐵屑分離器,脫磁器,協威虎鉗,京山萬能夾具組(組合壓板) 臺灣TRADE MAX貿巨氣動攻絲機,千島卡盤,韓國SUPER GUN氣動抽吸裝置。
磨具潤滑拋光及模具標準件: TYROLIT泰利萊(泰樂利)砂輪,基準CBN&SDC砂輪,鉬塊,帝研砂輪,嘉寶砂輪,普力切割片瑞典魚嘜鋸條,韓國金鐘油石,德國省銅膏(金屬護理膏)羊毛輪,美國HYPREZ研磨木條,ENGIS五星鉆石研磨膏水,以色列NOGA諾佳刮刀修邊器刀片磁性表座,臺灣瑞利REX-LEE鉆石銼刀研磨膏粉液,日本模具計數器, 德國YC鋼印,紅鷹砂紙,臺灣恐龍藍丹紅丹脫模劑,WD40 防銹油 除垢油 線切割機用離子交換樹脂,過濾器,英國比爾羅哥攻牙油精 ,日本FUTABA(瑞士AGATHON)模具標準件導柱導套定位珠,優力膠,日本多摩東發彈簧
檢 測 量 具:日本三豐瑞士TESA精密量機,萬濠投影機光學尺系統,日本愛森EISEN新鴻針規、大寶塞規 栓環規 愛光AIKOH推拉力計,放大鏡,顯微鏡,硬度計,德國HASBERG哈斯伯墊片,H+S精密墊片,千分尺,數線百分表塞尺,間隙片,半徑規,線徑規,厚度計,高度規,厚薄規,對刀機,花崗石精密平臺定盤,V型臺,磁性測定臺,文件整理櫃,刀具管理車。
金泰利模具五金有限公司,位於江蘇省昆山市高新技術產業園,主要服務於廣大電子元件、機械加工制造、模具制造、計量檢測等相關領域工廠或部門,專業服務、銷售進口銑床、磨床、CNC加工中心配件 、耗品及工業用精密測量機器,總公司設於香港,在深圳,重慶,鄭州,大連,濟南,長春,杭州,蕪湖,南京都設有辦事處,服務點。長期以來憑著一流銷售人員多年的現場銷售服務經驗和提供的高品質產品,贏得瞭廣大客戶的一致好評與信賴,敝公司全體同仁在此表以衷心感謝,並在與廣大客戶共同發展壯大的同時繼續提供以下高品質產品:
【臺灣精展GIN等磨床、銑床、CNC配件,日本SHOWA機具 臺灣AW安威 正河源 刀柄】 單向沖子成型器,雙向沖子成型器,平麵油壓虎鉗,內藏油壓虎鉗,增壓式虎鉗,外藏油壓虎鉗,倍力外藏式虎鉗,空壓虎鉗,向量式精密虎鉗,角固式虎鉗,CNC直角精密虎鉗,CNC倍力式增壓虎鉗,銑床平行塊,大型沖子成型器, ER沖子成型器,三爪沖子成型器,砂輪修整器,鉆石砂輪修整器,電動鉆石砂輪修整器,萬能洗石器,透視萬能砂輪修整器,砂輪厚度修整器,砂輪角度成型器,砂輪平衡臺,R成型器,磨床法蘭,正弦規,角度塊規,導磁塊,磁性V型座,方型磁性測定臺,脫磁器,平麵脫磁器,萬向磁性表座,正弦磁臺,簡式細目正弦磁臺,一體超薄正弦磁臺,成型工具萬力,正弦工具萬力,線切割萬力,電擊萬力,不銹鋼工具萬力,可調式線切割工具萬力,手轉工具萬力,強力永磁吸盤,磁性吊盤,高速鋼塊規,鎢鋼塊規,陶瓷塊規,沖子研磨機,電動沖子研磨機,銑床夾具組,臺灣鷹牌倒角機,萬能磨刀機,頂針切斷機,氣動攻牙機,刀具車,刀具整理盒,三次元探頭,光電式尋邊器,陶瓷尋邊器,偏心式尋邊器,不導磁尋邊器,尋邊器,萬能夾具組,自動鉆夾頭,精密鏜孔器、套裝鏜孔器、銑床擋板、日本SHOWA立銑刀夾頭,鏜孔器,鉆夾頭,鎖刀座, Z軸高度設定機…
【日本三豐Mitutoyo量具和機器】 數顯卡尺,附表卡尺,遊標卡尺,(分厘卡)千分尺,外徑千分尺、內徑千分尺、三點內徑千分尺、薄片千分尺,百分表,千分表,杠桿表,大理石平臺(花崗巖測量臺),量塊,比測機,缸徑規,厚度計,劃線尺,高度規,深度計,外卡規、內卡規,(光學尺)光柵尺,位移傳感器,表麵粗糙度機,投影機,影像測量機,工具顯微鏡,真圓度測試機,日本TC、EISEN針規(PIN GAUGE)、精密水平機、玻璃校準尺、日本SONY索尼光柵尺、索尼比測機…
【精密切削類刀具 】 日本三菱MITSUBISHI刀片、日本日立刀片,日本住友刀桿刀盤刀片,搪刀系統,臺灣SUS蘇氏鉆頭、銑刀、日本NACHI含鈷高速鋼銑刀、鉆頭、盤帶鋸,日本STK高速鋼銑刀,日本NCC帶鋸條,美國SCS鎢鋼銑刀,臺灣HKF CTA鎢鋼刀具,日本OK中心鉆,YAMAWA中心鉆頭、定點鉆,臺灣TOSG絲攻,日本YAMAWA絲攻,臺灣泰精TJF舍棄式刀桿,平麵銑刀盤,絞刀,T型槽銑刀,燕尾槽銑刀,灌嘴絞刀,鋸片銑刀,三麵刃銑刀,倒角刀…
【3R系統、線切割配件、電火花配件 】 瑞典3R系統昆山代理、瑞士EROWA高精密夾具系統、線切割夾具(工具萬力)、線切割用過濾器、火花機過濾網、導線嘴、沖水嘴、日本NC線切割機除銹水(KC-12除銹水、K-200除銹水)、線切割用銅線、銅管﹑防塵工作石英燈等…
【精密研磨工具、耗品和標準件 】 美國NORTON諾頓砂輪,臺灣中國砂輪,臺灣錨牌砂輪,臺灣TDC鉆石砂輪、投影磨床砂輪,臺灣BEST一品鉆石修刀、一品鉆石銼刀、一品鉆石砂輪、一品鉆石膏,一品鉆石磨棒,德國帶柄砂輪、德國羊毛輪、美國必寶油石,日本CERATON犀利盾纖維油石,日本UHT氣動研磨機、UHSIO氣動研磨機,電動超音波研磨機,氣動超音波研磨機,帶柄砂輪,日本大同模具彈簧,美國WD-40防銹油、標準和非標訂制沖頭、頂針、導柱、導套、年月日期章(模具日期章),天鋼 隆凱 文件櫃,零件整理櫃,刀具車,刀具管理車,工具車…
CNC tool, cutting tools, machine tool accessories, abrasives abrasive lubricants, precision measuring tools, machine tool agents
metal Mold Kunshan Gentili import agent is a large-scale professional precision measuring instruments and cutting tool grinder CNC milling machine tool accessories such as mold professional company is headquartered in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Qingdao, Yantai, Shenyang, Ningbo, Hefei, Changzhou has offices and service points.Main service in the vast number of electronic components, mold making, machining, automotive appliance manufacturing, quality inspection measuring areas such as factory or user departments. We will provide you with the most professional service, best quality, most sincere and reasonable price, and availability of adequate inventory, you can meet your needs all-round.
Main business products:
Cutting Tools: Japan NACHI NACHI tap drill cutter band saw, Taiwan CMT, HKF, CTA tungsten steel milling cutter, the United States HANITA / LBK-cooled high-precision tungsten steel milling cutter drill bits,, Mitsui Yi-chuan of Taiwan within the diameter Tool, the German Co - drill collar, Japan, OSG (TOSG) wire tapping (tap), Nut Taps rolling wheel, teeth die rules, die, Germany Knurling wheel arbor, France SAFETY blade arbor, Toshiba, / climbing time / Crow in accordance with / Hitachi / Switzerland Lamina blade.
NC Tool: Taiwan AW Ai LK Crude sugar knife, Taiwan TJF tai precision cutter arbor, Taiwan Ming-lu MR side milling cutter knives, BT tool holders, milling cutter chuck the strong, give up-type maize rough milling cutter The United States AMCE spade-type drill bit forming, Japan BTA deep hole drilling hole cutter series, Japan's Fuji yuan face cutter plate, horizontal milling head, power tool base, abandoned-style fast-leave-core drill bit, fine-tuning fine sugar hole systems, electric axis accelerator, lock knife block spindle test sticks, Taiwan Guang-jie Shank Collet chuck extension rod, durable enamel 10000 bars for drilling and milling cutter, drill chuck Po-chuen, Japan, and SHOEA St. precision high-speed knife handle BORING
Machine tool accessory: Taiwan's precision milling machine grinding machine accessories exhibition, Punch Punch Grinder Wheel Dresser Korea Hoon Ceramic edge finder, Z-axis setter, Lai Fun high-speed wire tapping thimble Grinder Grinding Machine, Taiwan Chun Wing Wong oil pump petrol pump distributor, the United Kingdom electric magnetic Chuck clamping devices, magnetic lifting devices, bar magnet iron filings separator, demagnetizer, Hip-wai vice, Jingshan universal clamp group (combination of platen) Taiwan TRADE MAX Trade Giant Pneumatic tapping machine, the Kuril chuck, South Korea SUPER GUN pneumatic suction device.
Abrasive polishing and mold standard parts lubrication: TYROLIT Taili Lai (Thai and happy) grinding wheel, CBN & SDC wheel base, molybdenum block, Royal Institute grinding wheel, grinding wheel Garbo, Swedish fish and chip & Poor's cutting edge Mark Blade, South Korea Admiralty Whetstone, Germany provinces copper paste (metal care cream) wool round, the United States HYPREZ grinding wood, ENGIS Five Star Diamond lapping paste of water, Israel NOGA Noga magnetic scraper blade trimming table seat, Taiwan Rayleigh REX-LEE FILE diamond abrasive paste powder liquid, Japan mold counter, Germany YC Stamping, red eagle sandpaper, Taiwan's blue dinosaur release agent Dan Hong Dan, WD40 anti-rust oil detergent oil Cutting Machine with ion exchange resins, filters, England Bierluoge tapping essential oils, Japan FUTABA (Switzerland AGATHON) mold standard parts positioning guide sleeve guide column beads, excellent strength glue, Japan, Tama Tohatsu springs
Detection of Measure: Mitutoyo Precision Measuring Instruments, Switzerland TESA, Wan Ho projector optical scale systems, the Japanese love the new Mori EISEN hung pin gauge, Tai Po plug gauge bolt ring Aiguang AIKOH push force gauge, magnifying glass, microscope, hardness tester, Germany HASBERG Hasper gasket, H + S Precision gaskets, micrometer, dial indicator plug-foot a few lines, clearance sheet, radius gauge, diameter gauge, thickness meter, height, thickness and regulations, right knife instrument, granite precision platform fixing, V-type units, magnetic measurement units, file finishing cabinets, tool management vehicles.
Since its inception, we have operated in good faith the principle of positive, open up, after years of hard work, the company has received the honorary title of the industry. I Division currently has many outstanding technical talent, mature market channels, good corporate reputation. All walks of life in the future the company will be dedicated to providing excellent customer service and competitive prices and innovative solutions for high-skilled. We are in good faith, professional dedicated purpose, to expand the marketing channels to expand market share, and tap the potential business opportunities with partners who co-development and growth.
Traders Kunshan Gentili OK sincerely welcome people of insight to come to join! People-oriented, heart services, continuous innovation and corporate culture, the company dashed one by one spray!
Our company is a wheel of the East China Taiwan KINIK professional agents, professional agent in China jinzipai grinding wheel, cutting disc, stone bowl, bowl-type grinding wheel, repair knife, metal Whetstone. Complete inventory of adequate size, price concessions, merchants are welcome to call the Advisory
Gentili Mold metal Co., Ltd., located in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province High-tech Industrial Park, primarily serving the majority of electronic components, machinery manufacturing, mold manufacturing, inspection and other related fields measuring plants or departments, professional services, sales of imported milling machines, grinding machines, CNC machining center accessories, consumables and industrial precision measurement instruments, head office located in Hong Kong, in Shenzhen, Chongqing, Zhengzhou, Dalian, Jinan, Changchun, Hangzhou, Wuhu, Nanjing, with offices and service points. With first-rate sales staff have long years of field sales and service experience and provide high-quality products and won praise and trust of customers, Bi Gongsi all my colleagues in this table with heartfelt thanks, and common development with customers and growing while continuing to provide high-quality products:
【Taiwan Exhibition GIN such fine grinder, milling machine, CNC parts, Taiwan, Japan SHOWA equipment AW Ai is Heyuan Holder】 way Punch, two-way Punch, flat hydraulic vice, containing hydraulic vice, supercharged vice and outside the Tibet hydraulic vice, double their ability to Tibetan vice, Air vice, vector-type precision vice, angle-solid-style vice, CNC angle precision vice, CNC times the power-type supercharger vice, milling machine parallel blocks, large-scale Punch, ER Punch, claw Punch, wheel dresser, diamond dresser, electric diamond wheel dresser, universal wash stone, Perspective Universal Wheel Dresser , grinding wheel thickness dresser, wheel angle shaper, grinding wheel balancing Taiwan, R shaper, grinding flanges, sine bar, angle block rules, magnetic blocks, magnetic V-blocks square magnetic measurement units, demagnetizer, graphic off of ceramic ware, Universal Magnetic Stand, sinusoidal magnetic Taiwan, Chien-style breakdown of the sinusoidal magnetic units, integrated ultra-thin sinusoidal magnetic units, forming tools 10000 power tool 10000 sinusoidal force, line cutting 10000 edge 10000 power electric shocks, stainless steel, power tools 10000 , wire cutting tools 10000 adjustable power, hand tools 10000 switch power, strong magnetic suction cups, magnetic suspended disk, high-speed steel block regulation, tungsten steel block regulation, ceramic block regulations, Punch grinding machine, electric Punch grinding machine, milling machine clamp group, Taiwan Eagle chamfering machine, Universal Grinder, thimble cutting machine, pneumatic tapping machines, tool cart, tool organize boxes, three yuan probe, Optical Edge Finder, ceramic side-finding devices, eccentric look for edge devices, non-magnetic edge finder, edge finder, universal clamp group, automatic drill chuck, precision boring devices, set boring devices, milling baffle, Japan SHOWA end mill chucks, boring devices, drill clip head, lock knife block, Z-axis height setting instrument ...
【Mitutoyo Mitutoyo measuring instruments and equipment】 digital calipers, Schedules caliper, vernier caliper, (sub-PCT card) micrometer, diameter micrometer, inside micrometer, 3:00 micrometer diameter, thin micrometer, dial indicator, dial gauge, lever table, marble platform (granite measurement units), the amount of blocks, than the measurement instrument, bore gauge, thickness meter, crossed feet, height, depth meter, a wild-card regulation, internal card rules (optical-foot) grating feet, displacement sensors , surface roughness meter, projector, video measuring instrument, tools, microscopes, roundness tester, Japan TC, EISEN pin gauge (PIN GAUGE), the level of precision instrument, glass calibrated ruler, Japan SONY Sony grating ruler, Sony than Tester ...
Precision Cutting Tools】【Class Mitsubishi MITSUBISHI blade, blade Hitachi, Japan's Sumitomo arbor cutter blade, sugar-knife system, the Taiwan SUS Su drills, milling cutters, Japan NACHI cobalt high speed steel cutter, drill bits, band saw disc Japan STK high-speed steel cutter, Japan NCC band saw blade, the U.S. SCS tungsten steel milling cutter, Taiwan HKF CTA tungsten steel cutter, Japan OK center drill, YAMAWA center drill bit, on-site drilling, Taiwan TOSG wire tapping, Japan YAMAWA wire tapping, Taiwan Thai-style arbor fine TJF abandoned, flat cutter disc cutter, T-slot cutters, dovetail slot milling cutter, filling the mouth reamer, saw milling, three surface blade cutter, chamfering cutter ...
【3R system, wire cutting parts, spark parts of Sweden 3R System Kunshan agents, Switzerland EROWA high-precision fixture system, wire cutting fixture (10000 power tool), wire cutting filters, spark machine filters, wire mouth, flushing mouth, the Japanese NC Cutting Machine rust water (KC-12 rust water, K-200 rust water), wire cutting copper, brass work ﹑ dust quartz lamps, etc. ...
【Precision grinding tools, consumption of U.S. goods and standard parts NORTON Norton grinding wheel, grinding wheel Taiwan and China, Taiwan anchor plates grinding wheel, Taiwan TDC diamond grinding wheel, grinding wheel projection of Taiwan products BEST one diamond repair knife, 1 product Diamond Files, a product the diamond grinding wheel, a productdiamond paste, diamond grinding a product rod, Germany Petiolate Wheel, Germany, wool wheel, the United States will treasure Whetstone, Japan CERATON sharp shield fiber oilstone, Japan UHT pneumatic grinding machine, UHSIO pneumatic grinding machine, electric ultrasonic grinding machine, pneumatic ultrasonic grinding machine, petiole wheel, Japanese Datong mold spring, the U.S. WD-40 anti-rust oil, standard and non-standard custom punch, ejector pin, guide pillar, guide sleeve, month, date chapters (die date of Chapter), Tin Steel longkai filing cabinet , part finishing cabinets, tool cart, tool management truck, tool cart ...
The pursuit of prestige first, customer first, the principle of good faith and common development, professional management, inventory is complete, fast delivery, quality and stability of the concept of the pursuit of the most comprehensive services to the customers to solve problems for customers to provide the best configuration to improve product quality , lower customer production costs
