‐ 有多種熨平機可供選擇,輥筒直徑800mm,輥筒數量有單輥、雙輥、三輥、四輥、五輥,熨平寬度有2.5米、2.8米、3米、3.3米,加熱方式:蒸汽加熱及電加熱方式。
A variety offlatwork ironersoptionsareavailable. Working rolldiameteris 800mm. There are many roll combinations for your choice, such as single roll, two roll, three roll, four roll and five roll combinations. Working width can be 2.5m,2.8m,3m and 3.3m. Heating: Steam Heated or Electric Heated option.
‐ 輥筒均采用304不銹鋼制成,傳送軸采用精拉鋼管,表麵經過鍍鋅處理,延長整機使用壽命。
Working roll made of 304 stainless steel, drive shaft made of galvanized steel pipe, and can last for a long time.
‐ 熨平機二側機架箱體采用厚度6mm的鋼板焊接而成,從而使設備在高負荷運行時確保高效穩定運行。
Both side panels of Ironer have been made by 6mm steel sheet maintain efficient and stable operation during heavy duty process.
‐ 采用變頻控制,可根據不同的佈草進行速度的調節。
Application of VF controlling technique makes it possible to adjust processing speed during operation in consonance with the requirements of different kind clothes.
‐ 配有的輸送帶的自動漲緊機構,可根據能源的供給和織物的厚度等狀況,自動將輸送帶進行漲緊至最佳狀態,提高熨平質量。
Transporting belt has been connected to self-tensioning force construction can maintain belt level disregarding status of power supply and fabric thickness.
‐ 送進佈處裝有安全擋板,隻要推動擋板,設備將立即停止,確保操著人員的安全。
Beside the feed bed, there are emergency stop panel, will immediately stop the rolls rotation, retract the beds to protect operator.
‐ 組合式的箱體設計,從而使機器可根據客戶的要求進行輥筒數量的輕松升級。
Combined roll cabinet design, numbers roll combination selection.
‐ 大輥筒蒸汽端配有潤滑油加註裝置,可保證主軸承的潤滑。
Lubricating oil injector installed on major roll cabinet for easy maintaining of shaft bearing.
‐ 配有安全急停開關
Equipped emergency stop button.
‐ 輥筒二側采用保溫處理
Both sides of roller use heat preservation treatment.
With a reversing device .
