全自動折疊機 公司名稱:江蘇泰州市通洋洗滌機械制造有限公司 地址: 森北工業園區728號 郵編: 225300 電話: 0523-86892948 傳真: 0523-86876058 手機: 13905262661 網址:www.tzqxh.com qq-623479008 |
簡要說明 1、采用大屏幕點陣液晶顯示及智能化控制系統,並且有良好的全中文人機對話界麵。 2、在電腦監控下完成5次折疊,縱折和橫折次數可按織物幅度、厚度自由編程。 3、采用高智能化的紅外線檢測系統,取消瞭傳統的機械脈沖計數裝置。 4、具有雙通道折疊功能,可雙倍提高小型佈草的熨平折疊能力,降低能耗。 5、運轉速度調節范圍大,能與各種相應的熨平機匹配。 6、具有自診斷功能,完善的安全保護系統,檢測點自保養功能。 7、電腦板采用繼電器輸出,無需中間繼電器,減少瞭故障點,維修檢測方便。 8、各控制組件均采用直流24V低壓組件,安全可靠,便於直接維修。 9、各控制閥均采用氣動控制,動作迅速可靠,對周圍環境無污染。 10、本設備多處裝有安全開關,使用安全可靠。 Instruction 1.Adopted big screen and intelligent control system,the machine has interactive function. 2.Five times of folding can be finished under the control of computer.The number of times and the directions of folding can be programmed freely according to the range and thickness of fabrics. 3.The traditional counter of mechanical pulsing has been replaced by infrared testing system of high intelligence. 4.With the function of double channel folding,it can save energy double. 5.The running speed can be adjusted widely to be suitable for various ironing machines. 6.It has the functions of automatic diagnosis,perfect safety system and self-maintenance for testing points. 7.The computer board adopts relay output and there is no intermediate relay.It may reduce troubles greatly,and maintenance becomes easy. 8.All control components use 24V DC.It is not only safety,but also easy to maintain directly. 9.All control valves are controlled by pneumatic system and all actions become quick and reliable. 10.Equipped with several safety switches in different positions.the machine is safe and reliable. 主要技術參數 Main parameter |
聯系電話:0523-86892948,86876058 手機13905262661,13801431085 |
