加工定制:是 | 品牌:奧倫德 | 型號:ORPC-817 |
種類:光電耦合器 |
特點(Features): 1. 電流轉換比(CTR: 最小. 50%工作條件 IF=5mA, VCE=5V) Current conversion ratio (Min 50% Working condition IF=5mA, VCE=5V) 2. 絕緣電壓:(VISO=5,000Vrms) Insulation Voltage = 5,000Vrms 3. 響應時間 (tr: TYP. 4μs 工作條件 VCE=2V, IC=2mA, RL=100 Ω) Response Time (tr: TYP. 4μs working condition VCE=2V, IC=2mA, RL=100 Ω) ● 說明 (Instructions) 1. ORPC-817 系列光耦合器的組成是:由一個 GaAs 的發射管和一個 NPN 的晶體管組成 ORPC-817 photocoupler consist of one piece of GaAs emitter and one piece of NPN transistor 2. ORPC-817 的 BIN 腳寬是 2.54mm BIN width of ORPC-817 is 2.54mm ● 應用范圍 (Application Range) 1. 電腦. computer 2. 器具的應用, 測量機. Instrumental application, measurement machine 3. 貯存器, 復印機, 自動售貨機. Imbursement equipments, duplicating machine, automat 4. 傢用電器, 如風扇等. Family-use electric equipments, such as fans 5. 信號傳輸系統. Signal transforming systems ● 如下是絕緣測試的方法. Insulation test method as below: (1) 將產品的兩端短路。 Short circuit both terminals of photocoupler (2) 測試絕緣電壓時無電流通過。No Current when testing insulation voltage (3) 測試時加正弦波形電壓。Adding sine wave voltage when testing
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