品牌:GTM | 型號:UBV | 種類:稱重 |
測量范圍:20KN-5000KN | 發貨期限:60 |
1,000、1,500、2,000、2,500、3,000; 4,000、5,000± kN
Accuracy class 0.1
Reproducibility error frep ± % 0.005
Linearity error dlin ± % 0.1
Hysteresis u ± % 0.1
Temperature influence on zero TK0 ± %/K 0.005
Temperature influence on span TKC ± %/K 0.01
Maximum force FL ± % 150
Maximum lateral force FQ ± % 50
Breaking force FB ± % > 300
Weight kg 2 11 55 on request
Nominal displacement mm 0.06 0.16 0.2 0.3 on request
Natural frequency kHz 1
Nominal sensitivity Cnom mV/V 2.1 ± 0.1
Bridge impedance nominal Re Ω ca. 700
Maximum excitation Ue, max V 12
Cable connection 5 m long (6-wire); ø 6.5 mm
Environmental protection IP 54 with fixed connection (EN60529)
Total error (incl. hysteresis, linearity
and temperature error)
in the range from 1% to 100% Fnom
?F/F ± % 0.5
Rel. creep (tB = 30 min) dcr, F, E ± % 0.03
Nominal temperature range Bt, nom °C +10 to +60
Lateral force influence dQ ± %/0.1 Fnom 0.1
Torque influence dM ± %/mm Fnom 0.1
Eccentricity influence dE ± %/mm 0.1