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    AMEPA GmbH 傳感器
    商品代碼: 3145753
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 品牌:AMEPA GmbH 型號:1 RSD Application
    種類:聲波 材料:混合物 材料物理性質:絕緣體
    材料晶體結構:多晶 制作工藝:集成 輸出信號:數字型
    防護等級:III 線性度:12(%F.S.) 遲滯:45(%F.S.)
    重復性:78(%F.S.) 靈敏度:98 漂移:65

    廣州市朝德機電設備有限公司專業經銷歐美各種進口電器配件,工業備品備件。有業務請直接聯系:T:020-83191853  F:020-83190556  QQ:2418487878  EMAIL:[email protected]  聯系人:吳學斌專業代理經銷:


    德國AMEPA GmbH傳感器


    ESD – Electromagnetic Slag Detection
    If steel of high quality has to be produced, the most important prerequisite is a slag-free pouring of steel. AMEPA is the worldwide market leader with its electromagnetic slag detection system ESD for ladles with more than 2000 vessels equipped with sensors.




    1 ESD Application
    2 ESD Technology
    3 ESD Publications

    TSD – Thermographic Slag Detection
    Since 1999, a new Thermographic Slag Detection system TSD is being operated successfully at converters. Here, the different emissivity of steel and slag is being analysed in the infrared range. This system does not need any sensors at or in the converter.






    RSD – Residual Steel Detection
    The RSD system for a precise measuring of residual steel in the tundish of continuous casting machines maximizes the yield from the tundish. In case of one steel grade change to another, the system minimizes the intermixing zone in the strand.






    CFM – Coal Flow Measurement for PCI

    GmbH 傳感器">
    Pulverized Coal Injection (PCI) systems should assure small line-to-line deviations in order to maintain a ‘healthy furnace’. Reality is often different; consequently optimal injection rates are not reached. The CFM flow meters are the first step towards optimal injection rates: measure the flow, control it, increase it to the optimum. 






    SRM – online Surface Roughness Measurement

    GmbH 傳感器">
    Surface roughness of cold rolled sheets is an important parameter for the finishing process. Up to now, online roughness measurement was only possible with systems measuring in rolling direction. AMEPA developed a new optical system enabling a measurement under 45° or 90° - as stipulated by SEP 1940 and DIN EN ISO 4287/4288 - for all kinds of textures.






    OFM – online Oil Film Measurement
    Improper oil film layer distribution or even dry stripes on a metal strip creates problems in the forming process. Therefore an online measuring system is needed for the supervision. The AMEPA OFM system is the first system enabling online oil film measurement and automatic classification of the strip.
    GmbH 傳感器" o:button="t"> 






    1 TSD Application
    2 TSD Technology
    3 TSD Publications

    1 RSD Application
    2 RSD Technology
    3 RSD Publications

    1 CFM Application
    2 CFM Technology
    3 CFM System Layout
    4 CFM Publications

    1 SRM Application
     SRM Technology
     SRM Visualization
     SRM Publications

    1 OFM Application
     OFM Technology
     OFM Visualization
     OFM Publications





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