型號:BF | 品牌:Philips/飛利浦 | 光源類型:金鹵燈 |
光源功率:70W、100W、*175W(W)(W) | 電壓:220(V)(V) | 主要適用范圍:◆適用於1區、2區危險場地。 |
BF系列增安型防爆防腐燈燈(e) | |
適用范圍 | |
型號含義 | |
技術參數 | |
樂清市巨一防爆電器有限公司(樂清市華東防爆空調廠)是一傢專業生產防爆的獨資企業,華東防爆自 1999 年成立以來,不斷發展壯大,成為一傢活躍在防爆空調制冷、熱、氟化學、電子、油壓機械電加熱(油燈)等多種領域的防爆企業,特別在防爆空調制冷、熱方麵。
廠地處樂清近鄰 104 過道及通臺溫高速公路,離溫州機場 20 公裡,是傢通過防爆質量體系認證,經中國石油化工集團工程建設推薦產品單位、產品種類達數十種之多,在樂清的防爆市場占有率始終保持第一、是中國防爆空調機,制冷、熱劑以及壓縮機的研發生產和銷售於一體的防爆專業企業,而今,華東防爆致力於事業的全麵化銷售、生產、華東防爆以領先中國的防爆技術不斷在中國市場推出超前性的防爆空調產品“永遠滿足企業的需求”,為目標通過全體員工不懈努力與中國企業共享安全、科技進步之成果與中國的現代共同前進!
Yueqing Juyi Explosion-proof Electric Co.,Ltd (Yueqing Huadong explosion-protection factory) is an individual ownership specialized in producing anti-explosion products,
it developed constantly Since the foundation in 1999, and became one explosion-protection ?enterprise actived in refrigeration, system heat of anti-explosion, air-condition, ,fluorizating study, electron,? electric heating of oil hydraulic machine (oil lamp) etc multifold fields, especially in refrigeration and system heat aspects of anti-explosion air-condition.
The location of factory is 20 kilometers near from Wenzhou airport,with quite convenient transportation. it is one engineering construction unit ?recommended by petrochemical industry group of China, which contains explosion-protection quality system certification, product series reached to more than ten kinds, and maintains throughout first in Yueqing explosion-proof market.
It is an specialized explosion-protection enterprise with research,development produces and sells to a body for explosion-protection air-condition,refrigeration,medicine of a hot mature and compressor .
Nowadays, Huadong explosion-protection company devotes to generalized sale and production, and promates continuoursly look-ahead explosion-proof air conditioning products with lead explosion-protection technology in market of China.
Juyi people will always keep the goal of “ meet coorporations’ demend forever” through untiring effort in order to enjory the harvest of safe, progressive science and technology with chinese corporations.