名稱:太陽能光伏接線盒 | 產品用途:太陽能組件 |
技術參數 Parameter
工作電壓 (Rating Voltage) 1000VDC
工作電流 (Rating Current) 13A
接觸電阻(Contact resistance) ≤0.5mΩ
安全等級 (Safety Class) CLASS Ⅱ
絕緣材料 (Insulation material) PPO
環境溫度 (Temperature Range) -40℃~+85℃
防水、防塵等級 (Protection Class) IP65
阻燃等級 (Flame Class) UL94-V0
The cover strongly resists aging and ultraviolet rays.
◆ 線纜的連接采用壓接的方式;
The cable connection adopts crimping.
◆ 匯流帶的連接采取鎖緊簧卡接方式;
The connection mode for the bus bar is to lock the clamp
spring tightly.
◆ 盒體采用密封圈密封,有效防水、防塵,達到IP65;
The box cover uses gaskets to prevent water and dust.
The protection grade is up to IP65.
◆ 可以安裝不同規格的二極管,改變接線盒的最大工 作電流。
The assemble of connection box of solar batteries components
uses the different type of diode which will change the max.
working current of the connection box.
