| GYD系列氣壓自動開關 GYD Double-stage double-speed starter | 一、用途 Application 當空氣壓縮機工作時,壓縮空氣從儲氣罐進入氣壓自動開關。氣壓自動開關的閉合與斷開是按預先設定的壓力而動作。空氣壓縮機正常運轉時,開關處於閉合狀態,當儲存氣壓力達到預定壓力的上限時,壓縮空氣經橡皮頂動頂針,能過跳簧帶動跳板,從而使膠木座內動觸頭與靜觸頭分離開,達到切斷控制電路,使電動機停止轉動。當儲存罐氣壓降到所標氣壓下限時,重新起跳,使電路接能中而開始工作,氣壓自動開關上設有放空閥,當跳板跳動時,壓下頂桿,使放空閥打開,達到排氣目的,為第二次工作時減輕電動機起動負荷。 After the motor runs,the press ure is produced and directly gets into the switch ,under the action of sensing film,the thrust is developed,the pressure spring with it makes the driving plat move up to drive the spring board,and actuate the jumper spring to fast separate the moving contact from the fixed contact with the help of elastic force,so as to cut off the power,the motor will stop running immediately. |