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    深圳市喻深鴻電氣供應英規安全節能插座 多功能插孔智能插座
    商品代碼: 3070150
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    加工定制:是 品牌:威耐爾 型號:US-12358
    額定電流:10A 13A 15A 16(A) 環境溫度:(T)-35~70(℃) 殼體材質:進口特級VO防火PC
    導電體材質:0.7mm特厚磷銅 產品認證:CE FCC 額定電壓:AC230(V)


    本公司主營智能插座 節能插座 電視節能插座,電腦節能插座 USB插座等產品,歡迎新老客戶來電洽談采購


    UK smart timing energy saving surge protector




    Basic Parameters
    a)  Rated voltage (Un) 230v~, 120v~
    b)  Rated current (In) 10A, 13A, 15A, 16A, 20A;
    c)  Rated frequency (FN) 50Hz/60Hz
    d)  Life: circuit protection device: 10,000 times; normal operation: 8000 times


     Protection Functions:


    1,  Leakage protection(GFCI function):  When body touchs electricity, earthing is unusual, power will be cut soon within 25 microseconds. There is never danger of electric shock.
    2,  Surge protection:   Power will be cut at once when surge or thunderstroke, in order to protect all working electric equipments.
    3,  Overcurrent protection:  Protect all working electric equipments from surge and heavy current in circuit.
    4,  Short protection:   Power will be cut within 25 microseconds when curcuit is short.
    5,  Overvoltage protection:  Protect electric equipments when external voltage exceeds standard.
    6,  Undervoltage protectionn:  Protect electric equipments when external voltage is under standard.




    1,  Alternation current reactive power compensation energy saving:
    Reactive power compensation built inside, in order to improve power factor, adjust network voltage, reduce circuitry waste, improve quality of power supply. This can save 10%-30% electricity. It specially works well for electric machines such as fridge and washer.



    2,  Time-delay / Timing energy saving: 
    This product includes time-delay energy saving component and timing energy saving component (optional). Time-delay component can stop power supply automatically to avoid electricity waste, while electric equipments such like computer or TV are standby. Timing component can define any power off time in 24 hours, with simple easy operation.


     Product characteristic:
    A,   Zero power dissipation magnetism disconnecting mechanism built-in, conection protection, safe without delay.
    B,   Control part is produced with silver alloy contact, safe and reliable with excellent electronic conductivity.
    C,   Case is produced with PC fire-retardant material (Class V-0). PC inside material produced with heat resisting PA46 (300℃)
    D,  All copper components produced with 0.7mm thickness phosphor bronze, with high metal memory, can be pluged 8000 times. Normal standard is 5000 times.
    E,  One-button intelligence test function, can test protection function of product regularity or unregularity to avoid malfunction.
    F,  Digital equipment USB charger component (optional), supplies DC 5V power for all kinds of usb products.
    G,  Neoteric cable fixture on side of socket, can fix cables of electric equipments and makes them orderly.
















    電  話:0755-89340992
    手  機:18312482118

    郵  箱:mxy-[email protected]




       喻深實業已成為高檔插座制造商之一。產品主要有美國插頭插座、英國插頭插座、歐洲插頭插座、旅遊插頭、防水插頭插座、工業插頭插座等電子配件及電器產品, 采用安全、智能、節能多種技術,在安全上實現瞭幾乎所有的意外保護,包含漏電(觸電)GFCI保護、短路保護、過流過載保護、雷擊保護、電壓過高和過低的保護;在節能上采用瞭電力無功補償技術,並在產品組件中實現瞭定時關閉節能、待機電器自動關機節能;在外部材料上應用瞭高性能阻燃PC塑料,產品達到國際防火等級V0級;在內部采用0.7毫米厚度的導電磷銅,並在電路上采用銀合金觸點開關。功能上更是具備瞭電話防雷和USB產品充電,還有人性化的線夾的應用,使產品在各方麵具備瞭高性能,多功能,安全和節能並重。 

       本公司擁有先進的生產設備,經驗豐富,技術精湛的人員。我們可以根據您的要求定做各種規格的產品。 本著"安全和綠色來自於科技"的產品文化,追求專業品質,恪守正直、與時俱進的信念。熱誠歡迎海內外客商前來指導工作,洽談合作事宜! 



    電  話:0755-89340992-807 
    手  機:18312482118 
    Q    Q:1521481358 
    郵  箱:[email protected] 








    功能特點 1、操作簡單:簡單更換即可實現傢用電器待機延時時轉換為強制自動斷電狀態,無需更換原有插座,轉換插座內設680個低頻紅外線接收頻率,基本可與國內所有傢用電器紅外線遙控器共享開啟功能。 2、節能:電器關閉處於待機狀態時能夠自動強制切斷電器設備電源,使電器待機能耗降為零,能節約電器正常用電的15--40%左右,還可延長電器的使用壽命。 3.、保護功能:內設防雷功能,最大可吸收400焦耳的雷電能量,待機切斷電源後,可使無人值守的傢庭和辦公室避免雷電或局域電網短路引起過壓燒毀電器並引發火災,造成不可估量的火災現象,確保辦公室及傢庭無人值守時安全、可靠。 4、健康:避免電磁波輻射,消除電磁波危害,電器在待機時,會產生較強的的電磁輻射,既危害人的身體健康又會造成顯視屏幕磁化、圖像失真。

    fghdhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghhd ghfdhfghfjhfhfghfhgfhfh
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    深圳市喻深鴻電氣供應英規安全節能插座 多功能插孔智能插座_桌面插座_插座_電工電氣_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i