主要成分:水刺無紡佈 | 幅寬:30 | 克重:40-80(g/㎡) |
主要用途:服裝襯裡,傢居傢紡用佈 | 貨號:kz0769 | 成分及含量:30黏膠70滌綸 |
別名:抹佈 | 顏色:紅色,黃色,綠色,藍色,紫色,黑色,白色 | 適用人群:通用 |
包裝工藝:成卷抹佈 |
HangZhou Linan YingZi Nonwoven Products Co., Ltd mainly produces spun lacing nonwoven products as well as 100%cotton products. The nonwoven products include compressed towel, compressed facial mask, facial mask, household cleaning-cloth, and disposable mouth mask and so on. The cotton products include 100%cotton compressed towel, 100% cotton compressed bath towel, and 100%cotton compressed t-shirt and so on.
1. 壓縮毛巾:本品壓縮毛巾采用水刺無紡佈精致而成,壓縮成為體積小、美觀大方、便於攜帶,入水三秒即可變為一張洗臉、擦拭用毛巾。
Compressed towel: it is made of spun lacing nonwoven material with small size and elegant appearance, being convenient to take. It will change into a towel after being dropped into water for three seconds.
2. 壓縮麵巾:本品壓縮毛巾采用水刺無紡佈精致而成,采用鋁塑密封包裝,產品小巧玲瓏,便於攜帶,是出差旅行,郊遊野炊的理想用品。
Coin tissue: it is made of spun lacing nonwoven material, packaged in aluminum-plastic. The product is the ideal product for business trip or travel for its convenience to carry with its small size.
聯 系 人:張根英 女士 (總經理室 總經理) 給我短信免費電話
電 話:86 0571 61070018
傳 真:86 0571 61070017
地 址:中國 浙江 臨安市 臨安市錦南街道邱傢頭79號 QQ:2376331289[請網絡推廣、展會推銷以及買賣發票、股票期貨投資,不要打電話和手機發短信請節省您的有效精力和費用 郵 編:311301
