品名:聚苯硫醚 | 功能:阻燃 | 產地:江蘇南通 |
纖維形態:長絲 | 粗細:0.12以上 | 產品用途:高溫編織 |
聚苯硫醚單絲 (圖片) | PPS單絲纖維可作為慮用原材料,通過織造可作為電廠、鋼廠及其他行業的粉層分離、固液分離。國內PPS纖維完全依賴進口,該項目的完成將填補國內的空白。技術指標:纖維直徑0.08~0.20mm強度≥3.2CN/dttx耐溫≥200℃(強酸強堿) | PPS monofilament can be used for filtration material,some power plants、iron factories use it on solating seal、solid-liquid separation through weaving process. Domestic PPS monofilament totally dependent on import,the completion of this project will fill gaps in the domestic. Technical data:diameter 0.08-2.0mm,strength≥3.2CN/dttx,temperature-resistance≥200℃(endure strong acid strong base) |
