品名:玉米纖維 | 質量等級:優 | 產地:江蘇 |
纖維形態:短纖 | 粗細:1.5-6D | 長度:6-76(mm) |
孔數:1000 | 顏色:按客戶需求 | 主要用途:紡織紗線,工業織造,醫療衛生,過濾濾材,工程纖維,土工佈,無紡佈,繩網,保溫材料,工業織造、醫療衛生、工程纖維、無紡佈、保溫材料 |
廠傢(產地):江蘇江陰杲信 | 材質:100%聚乳酸PLA |
聚乳酸纖維(英文學名為Polylactidefiber,簡稱PLAfiber)是一種新型的可生物降解合成纖維,本質上還是一種聚酯纖維。該纖維主要是以玉米、小麥、甜菜,木薯等含淀粉的農產品為原料,經發酵生成乳酸後,再經縮聚和熔融紡絲制成,通常也稱為聚丙交酯纖維Poly lactide fiber,玉米纖維Corn fiber,環保纖維Environmental protection fiber,生物降解纖維Biodegradable fiber,聚乳酸纖維PLAfiber其實是一種生物質纖維Biomass fiber。
PLA fiber
PLA fiber we produce are developed from a 100% renewable corn starch, and are therefore environmentally friendly.
Basically, the material used for the manufacture of PLA fiber is corn starch. It is converted into sugar by breaking down due to micro-organisms become lactide acid. This acid is polymerized to become polylactide then extruded to manufacture the PLA manufacture ceiling.
PLA fibers are 100% bio-degradable.
PLA fibers' range
We propose you a large range of PLA fibers.
PLA fibers can be made in natural color (white) or dope dyed in the color of your choice. In this case just inform us the PANTONE code of the desired color.
Please note that we ONLY use biodegradable dyes.Indeed, why buy a biodegradable fiber from PLA if it is to dye it with harmful chemical dyes to the environment.
We offer the following PLA fibers :
- Solid white PLA fiber, regular,
- Solid dope dyed PLA fiber, regular,
- Solid siliconised PLA fiber, regular,
- Hollow white PLA fiber, regular,
- Hollow siliconised PLA fiber, regular
- Solid white PLA fiber, short cut 1.5D x 5mm
Regular sizes are 1.5D x 38mm, 3D x 51mm, 6D x 64mm and 10D x 64mm, but we can also investigate the realization other size for your specific requirement.
We pack our pla fiber in bale
We decided to pack our pla fiber in bale of around 220kg in order to optimize the transport from our factory to your warehouse and to minimize its impact on the environment.
Why work with us ?
- The location of our factory in China gives you a clear economic benefits.
- We are the only ones in China to propose dope dyed pla fiber,
- We are the only ones in China to guarantee the use of biodegradable dyes for your dope dyed pla fibers,
- We closely work with chinese universities to innovate constantly in PLA.
- We are the only ones in China who are able to manage the logistics of your container from our factory to your warehouse and not only to your ocean port.
- Your container will travel with an insurance covering 110% of the 'DDP your warehouse' value and not only the 'CIF destination port' value.
- We offer you a single contact to reply you for both sales, production and logistics.
我司生產的纖維已通過國傢塑料制品質量監督檢驗中心 14855認證。廣泛應用於傢紡業、石油業、制造業等,深受廣大客戶的歡迎。
