品種:綿羊皮 | 皮層:皮毛一體 | 厚度:20mm |
規格:可定制 | 產地:河北 華燁 | 主要用途:鞋裡,服裝內膽等 |
別名:無 | 顏色:彩色 | 籃板皮批發:皮鞋裡服裝皮 |
河北華燁皮毛制品廠是經營羊毛鞋墊、內增高羊毛鞋墊、仿羊毛鞋墊、羊毛鞋裡皮、服裝內膽皮、羊毛滾筒刷、拋光羊毛球、鞋擦(上光擦)、毛皮一體(擦)洗車手套【日式/歐版】、羊毛除塵撣、羊毛汽車坐墊、羊毛沙發坐墊、羊毛護腰 護膝 護肩、羊皮(馬甲)坎肩、羊毛皮褲 皮衣、軍大衣、航空服等產品專業生產制造的廠傢,本廠擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系 新進精密高科技機械多臺,生產質量及效率大大提高。本廠的誠信、實力和產品質量已獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨本廠參觀、指導和業務洽談。本廠設在河北省邢臺市威縣侯貫鎮後郭古皮毛開發區,西鄰106國道(362公裡處)北鄰青銀高速(G20) 東臨大廣高速(G45) 南鄰邢清公路325省道(大廣高速“G45”收費站口西行100米-北行5.5公裡-左拐彎即到),憑借此地理優勢,為廣大新老客戶的到來提供瞭方便快捷的發財之路!!
Hebei HuaYe fur factory is a hand overshoes marcello lippi, garment leather, wool roller brush, polishing wool ball, shoe polish brush wipe (), wool duster, wool insoles, car back of a chair, leather type, wool protects the waist kneecap protecting shoulder, sheepskin KanJian, and other products specialize in producing, processing factory, the individual operation HuaYe fur factory has complete in hebei, the scientific quality management system.Hebei HuaYe fur factory sincerity, strength and product quality gain recognition of the industry.Welcome all friends visit hebei HuaYe fur factory visit, guidance and business negotiations.Our factory is located in hebei province xingtai WeiXian after HouGuan town of ancient fur development zone, bordering guo, 106 national highway (362 km) north adjacent green silver high-speed east into the big wide high-speed south XingQing highway (big wide neighborhood shops west 100 meters high fees to 5.5 km north did that, relying on the geographical advantage), for the general new old customers coming provides fast and convenient way to get rich!!!!!!
結算方式:首付我廠合同總貨款30%作為生產定金,其餘貨款在驗貨合格後打入我廠賬戶 若分批提貨要批貨批結;
可承接各種異形毛皮制品訂單 外貿訂單
張傢爭 先生
地 址: 中國 河北省邢臺市威縣侯貫鎮後郭古皮毛工業區
郵 編: 054700
Q Q: 347291594
移動電話: 13131935015
公司主頁: http://huayepiye.cn.alibaba.com
