品種:銀板 | 純度:99.99(%) | 光潔度:高 |
抗拉度:強 | 延伸力:高 | 銀板規格:20*10*135 |
供應首飾廠專用萬足銀條 | 供應高純銀粒ic-ag99.99 | 供應99.99高純銀絲最細0.15mm-6mm |

- 名稱/ nomenclature :高純銀條
- 品牌/brand : 中金金屬
- 純度/ purity : ic-ag99.99
- 熔點/ melting point : 960℃
- 密度/density : 10.49g/cm3(25℃)(lit.)
- 沸點/boiling point : 2213℃(lit.)
- 硬度/hardness : 高
- 重量/ :大約300克
- 電流/ :數據等待完善
- 本產品采用.冷紮壓.工藝.而成.嚴格執行GB/4135-2002標準.ic-ag99.99嚴格控制8個金屬元素 雜質在控制在0.01以內
- 在使用時候能使表麵平整.無起皮.柔軟度適中 .
This product adopts cold rolling pressure. Process. But become. Strict implementation of GB/4135-2002standard.Ic-ag99.99 strict control of 8 metal impurities in control within 0.01
The smooth surface without skin softness is moderate in the use of time.
- 1.高純銀條:
- ic-ag99.99(國際簡稱4n)以上的銀,目前廣泛應用於電子.計算機.通信.軍工,航天等領域,它的制備一般有
- 化學精煉法,電解精煉法,萃取精煉法等
高純銀條 均采用礦銀經過 電解.鑄錠.冷紮壓.斷壓.清洗. 而成
- 嚴格執行GB/4135-2002標準.ic-ag99.99嚴格控制8個金屬元素 雜質在控制在0.01以內
- 完全符合 歐盟rosh環保無毒要求
1 pure silver:
Ic-ag99.99 (International 4N) or more silver, is currently widely used in the electronic computer. Communication. Military, aerospace and other fields, it is generally prepared with
Chemical refining method, electrolytic refining process, extraction and refining
2 pure silver
High purity silver using silver mine after electrolysis. Ingots. Cold rolling pressure. Pressure breaking. A cleaning.
Strict implementation of the GB/4135-2002 standard.Ic-ag99.99 strict control of 8 metal impurities in control within 0.01
Fully in line with the EU Rosh environmental protection non-toxic requirements
厚度/thickness | 寬度/width | 長度/length | 純度/purity | 重量/weight |
1cm | 2cm | 13.5 cm | ic-ag99.99 | 大約〈300g/克 |
ic-ag99.99 | ||||
定制/custom made | 定制/custom made | 定制/custom made | ic-ag99.99 | 定制/custom made |
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ng>Mary Magdalene ng>
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- 其他99銀融化產品對比/A small pull
