材質:SMn438 | 產地/廠傢:鞍鋼 | 倉庫:中儲庫 |
規格:20,30,40,50,60,25,35,45,55,65,70,75,80,85,90 | 統一單位換算:0|4800.00000 | 品名:機械結構用鋼 |
SMn438鋼板(SMn438 Steel Sheets)
標準:JIS G4053-2003
碳 C :0.35~0.41
矽 Si:0.15~0.35
錳 Mn:1.35~1.65
硫 S :允許殘餘含量≤0.030
磷 P :允許殘餘含量≤0.030
鉻 Cr:允許殘餘含量≤0.35
鎳 Ni:允許殘餘含量≤0.25
銅 Cu:允許殘餘含量≤0.30
抗拉強度 σb (MPa):≥885(90)
屈服強度 σs (MPa):≥735(75)
伸長率 δ5 (%):≥12
斷麵收縮率 ψ (%):≥45
沖擊功 Akv (J):≥55
沖擊韌性值 αkv (J/cm2):≥69(7)
硬度 :≤217HB
characteristics and applicable scope:
SMn438 alloy structural steel strength, plasticity, wear resistance is higher, but the cold deformation plasticity is not high, weldability poor. SMn438 used in heavy load of work under the tempering parts, such as shaft, half shaft, crankshaft, axle, screw, worm, piston rod, joystick, lever, connecting rod, a load of bolt, screw, reinforcing ring and spring etc; SMn438 alloy steel and used as a diameter of 40 mm in the small section important parts, and 40 cr steel quite.
- chemical ingredients:
Carbon C: 0.35 ~ 0.41
Silicon Si: 0.15 ~ 0.35
Manganese Mn: 1.35 ~ 1.65
Sulfur S: allow residual content of 0.030 or less
P P: allow residual content of 0.030 or less
Chrome Cr: allow residual content of 0.35 or less
Nickel Ni: allow residual content of 0.25 or less
Copper Cu: allow residual content of 0.30 or less
- mechanical properties:
Tensile strength σ b (MPa) : 885 (90) or
Yield strength σ s (MPa) : 735 (75) or
Elongation δ 5 (%) : 12 or more
Reduction of area ψ (%) : was 45
Impact work Akv (J) : 55 or
Impact toughness value α kv (J/cm2) : 69 (7) or
Hardness: acuities 217 hb
Sample size: sample blank dimensions to 25 mm
- heat treatment standards and metallographic organization:
Heat treatment norms: quenching 840 ℃, water; Tempering 540 ℃, water.
Fox condition of delivery: heat treatment (normalizing, annealing or high temperature tempering) or heat treatment state delivery, delivery state should be indicated in the contract.
天津鑫海潤達鋼鐵貿易有限公司供應SMn438鋼板(SMn438 Steel Sheets)
Tianjin xinhairunda steel trade co.,ltd Supply SMn438鋼板(SMn438 Steel Sheets)
產品名稱 (Product) | SMn438鋼板(SMn438 Steel Sheets) |
品牌 (brand) | 首鋼/寶鋼/天鋼/鞍鋼/太鋼/ |
厚度 (Thickness) | 3/4/5/6/8/10/12/14/16/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60/70/80/90/100 |
寬度 (Width) | 1250/1500/1800/2000/2200/2500 |
長度 (Length) | 4000/6000/8000/9000/12000 |
表麵 (Surface) | 熱軋/冷軋 |
品種 (Type) | SMn438鋼板(SMn438 Steel Sheets) |
型號 (Model No) | SMn438鋼板(SMn438 Steel Sheets) |
標準 (Standard) | GB/JIS/ASTM/AISI/DIN/EN |
用途 (Application) | 建築、石油、化工、電廠 |
認證 (Certification) | ISO9001 |
包裝 (Packing) | 卷裝、捆裝 |
付款方式 (Payment) | 全款發貨 |
交貨期 (Delivery) | 7天-10天 |
裝貨地 (Loading) | 天津 |
目的地 (Destination) | 任何地方 |
最小起訂量 (Minimum Order Quantity) | 5噸 (5T) |
供貨能力 (Supply Ability) | 700噸/月 (700T/Month) |
制造商 (Manufacturer) | 天津鋼鐵 (Tianjin Steel ) |
原產地 (origin) | 中國 (china) |
訂貨單位 (Customer) | 天津鑫海潤達鋼鐵貿易有限公司(Tianjin xinhairunda steel trade co.,ltd) | |
收貨單位 (Purchaser) | 天津鑫海潤達鋼鐵貿易有限公司(Tianjin xinhairunda steel trade co.,ltd) | |
電話 (Tel) | 0086-022-58883501 022-58782716 022-58883136 | |
傳真 (Fax) | 0086-022-58782726 | |
郵箱 (E-Mail) | ||
MSN | ||
網站 (Website) | http://www.xhrd-steel.com http://xhrdsteel.en.made-in-china.com | |
地址 (Add) | 天津北辰奧都鋼材市場C6 | |
匯 款 信 息 | ||
人 民 幣 賬 戶 (RMB) | 美 元 賬 戶 (USD) | |
開戶行:工行天津都旺支行 | 開戶行:中行天津北辰支行 | |
Opening Bank: ICBC Tianjin Duwang Branch | Opening Bank: Bank of China Tianjin Beichen Branch | |
帳號(Account No.):0302032419100006881 | 帳號(Account No.):279168309069 |
