品名:增碳劑 | 固定碳:94(%) | 規格:2-4,4-8(目) |
型號:HY | 牌號:寧夏華陽 | 水分:0.51(%) |
篩上物粒度:97.0(%) | 灰分:4.0 | 揮發分:0.5(%) |
篩下物粒度:3.0(%) | N含量:0.02% | S含量:0.25% |
比重:1.2g/cm3 |
海關HS編碼: 38249030 單獨列名
2.增碳劑灰分多 顆粒分佈不均勻
使用增碳劑的增碳過程包括溶解擴散過程和氧化損耗過程。增碳劑的粒度大小不同, 溶解擴散速度和氧化損耗速度也就不同, 而增碳劑吸收率的高低就取決於增碳劑溶解擴散速度和氧化損耗速度的綜合作用。在一般情況下, 增碳劑顆粒小, 溶解速度快, 損耗速度大; 增碳劑顆粒大, 溶解速度慢, 損耗速度小。例如, 在110kg 高頻感應爐中, 粒度015 ~018mm 的增碳劑溶解速度很快, 在沒來得及氧化損耗前大部分已溶解於鐵液中, 隻有少部分損耗掉, 因此吸收率高。在60kg 感應爐中, 爐膛的直徑和容量較大, 增碳劑粒度015~018mm , 相對爐膛的直徑和容量太小, 損耗速度很快, 吸收率低; 而粒度116~312mm 相對於爐膛直徑和容量來說, 增碳劑溶解速度較快, 損耗速度較慢, 溶解占據主導作用, 吸收率高〔6〕。因此, 增碳劑粒度大小的選擇與爐膛直徑和容量有關, 一般情況下, 爐膛的直徑和容量大, 增碳劑的粒度要大一些; 反之, 增碳劑的粒度要小一些。
在一定的溫度和化學成分相同的條件下, 鐵液中碳的飽和濃度一定。鑄鐵中碳的溶解極限為〔C %〕= 113 + 010257 T - 0131〔Si %〕- 0133〔P %〕- 0145 〔S %〕+ 01028〔Mn %〕( T 為鐵液溫度) 。在一定飽和度下, 增碳劑加入量越多, 溶解擴散所需時間就越長, 相應損耗量就越大, 吸收率就會降低。
3、飽和濃度一定, 溫度對增碳劑吸收率的影響。
平衡溫度T 隨目標C、Si 含量不同而變化, 如式(4)所示。依式(4) 可以計算出平衡溫度。當鐵液成分( %) 為: 219~311C、110~112Si 時, 平衡溫度為1380 ℃左右。鐵液在平衡溫度以上時, 優先發生碳的氧化, C 和O 生成CO 和CO2 。這樣, 鐵液中的碳氧化損耗增加。因此, 在平衡溫度以上時, 增碳劑吸收率降低。當增碳溫度在平衡溫度以下時, 由於溫度較低, 碳的飽和溶解度降低, 同時碳的溶解擴散速度下降, 因而收得率也較低。因此, 增碳溫度在平衡溫度時, 增碳劑吸收率最高。但由於在實驗室和生產過程中, 鐵液溫度總會受到諸多因素的影響, 所以, 實際增碳溫度在計算出的平衡溫度上加減10 ℃左右波動。
在增碳劑未完全溶解前, 攪拌時間長, 吸收率高。攪拌有利於碳的溶解和擴散, 減少增碳劑浮在表麵被燒損。攪拌還可以減少增碳保溫時間, 使生產周期縮短, 避免鐵液中合金元素燒損。但攪拌時間過長, 不僅對爐子的使用壽命有很大影響, 而且在增碳劑溶解後, 攪拌會加劇鐵液中碳的損耗。因此, 適宜的鐵液攪拌時間應以保證增碳劑完全溶解為適宜。
初始碳量每增加0.1% , 增碳劑吸收率大約降低1 %~2 %; 矽量每增加0.11% , 增碳劑吸收率大約降低3 %~4 %; 硫量每增加0.1% , 增碳劑吸收率大約降低1 %~2 %; 錳量每增加0.1 % , 增碳劑吸收率大約提高2 %~3 %。由此可見, 當鐵液中初始碳含量高時, 在一定的溶解極限下, 增碳劑的吸收速度慢,吸收量少, 燒損相對較多, 增碳劑吸收率低。當鐵液初始碳含量較低時, 情況相反。另外, 鐵液中矽和硫阻礙碳的吸收, 降低增碳劑的吸收率。而錳元素有助於碳的吸收, 提高增碳劑吸收率。就影響程度而言, 矽最大, 錳次之, 碳、硫影響較小。因此, 在實際生產過程中, 應先增錳, 再增碳, 最後增矽。
增碳工藝對鑄鐵組織的影響經過用增碳劑增碳處理後的鑄鐵, 在鐵液中生成瞭大量彌散分佈的非均質結晶核心, 降低瞭鐵液的過冷度, 促使生成以A 型石墨為主的石墨組織; 同時, 由於生鐵用量少, 其遺傳作用大為削弱, 因此使A 型石墨片分枝
全廢鋼電爐熔煉時,優先選用經過瞭石墨化處理的增碳劑,經過高溫石墨化處理的增碳劑,碳原子才能從原來的無序排列變成片狀排列,片狀石墨才能成為石墨形核的最好核心,以利促進石墨化。因此,我們應該要選用經過高溫石墨化處理的增碳劑。因為高溫石墨化處理時,硫分被生成SO2氣體逸出而降低。所以高品質的增碳劑含硫分很低, w(s) 一般小於0.05%,更好的w(s)甚至小於0.03%。同時,這也是判斷是否經過高溫石墨化處理以及石墨化是否良好的一個間接指標。如果選用的增碳劑沒經過高溫石墨化處理,石墨的形核能力就大大降低,石墨化能力減弱,即使也能達到同樣的碳量,但結果完全不一樣。
3. 在高的碳量條件下,為獲得高強度的灰鑄鐵鑄件,熔煉過程采用全廢鋼加增碳劑的工藝,使鐵液更加純凈,生產的鑄件材料性能高。
3.產品石墨晶體結構好,提高原鐵液的形核能力。在孕育中增加球墨鑄鐵的 墨球數量,在電爐鐵液中增加石墨晶核。細化、均勻化石墨在鑄件中的分佈。
Recarburizerproduct introduction
Recarburizer steelmaking using recarburizer (black metallurgical industry standard of the People's Republic of China, YB/T 192-2001 steelmaking using recarburizer) and cast iron using recarburizer, and add some other materials are useful to the carburant, such as brake pads with additives, friction material. Recarburizer belongs to plus carbon steelmaking, ironmaking raw materials. High quality recarburizer is to produce high quality steel products indispensable auxiliary additives.
Carburant, there are many kinds of raw materials, production process is different, the woodiness carbon, coal carbon, coke, graphite type, etc., and there are many small categories under which various classification. High quality recarburizer generally refers to after graphitization of carburant, under the condition of high temperature, the microstructure of carbon atoms arranged in graphite, so called the graphitization. Graphitization can reduce the impurity content of a carburant, viscosity increasing carbon content, carbon agent to reduce sulfur content.
Recarburizer used in casting, can greatly increase the dosage of scrap steel, reduce the dosage of iron or no iron. Currently most carburant are suitable for electric furnace smelting, also has a few particularly fast absorption rate of recarburizer for cupola. Electric furnace smelting way of feeding, carburant should be put with scrap steel, furnace charge, small doses of adding can choose in the hot metal surface. But want to avoid mass feeding into the molten iron, in order to prevent excessive oxidation and carbonization effect is not obvious and carbon content of casting is not enough. Increased carbon agent, the dosage according to the ratio of other raw materials and carbon content. Different types of cast iron, according to need to choose different types of recarburizer. Recarburizer choose pure carbon graphitized material characteristics of itself, to reduce too much impurity in the iron, carburant choose appropriate which can reduce the cost of castings production.
Customs HS codes: 38249030 separate column name
Recarburizer product features
1. Particle size, porosity, absorption speed.
2. Using petroleum coke burning, high temperature chemical purity, high carbon, low sulfur, extremely harmful ingredients, high absorption rate.
3. Product graphitization degree good, increase the original nuclear capability in the shape of liquid iron. Increased in the inoculation of nodular cast iron ball ink quantity, increase in the electric furnace iron graphite crystal nucleus. Refine the fossils, uniform ink distribution in the castings.
4. Excellent performance, stable.
Packing method
Waterproof woven bags of 25 kg/bag, plus tons of bags or tray, also can provide appropriate packing according to your need.
Product should be stored in clean, dry inside storeroom, prevent to be affected with damp be affected with damp and defiled.
Trunk is clean prior to loading, pay attention to the rain.
Recarburizer for various electric furnace smelting increase carbon cast steel, cast iron, high fixed carbon content, stable performance, easy to absorb, increases the carbon effect is good wait for a characteristic, according to different sulfur content low sulfur and sulfur in the two classes.
Recarburizer usage
1, ingredients when adjusting carbon copies, according to the requirement of the carbon content to melt steel (iron) water, with the metal furnace charge add electric central lower part, carbon absorption rate can reach 90% 95%, carburant don't play no melting slag, otherwise easy to wrap in slag, the effect of carbon absorption;
2, steel (iron) water after melting, adjusting carbon copy, you can add in the steel (iron) water surface, through electric furnace smelting ShiGang (iron), eddy current of mixing or artificial water to dissolve carbon absorption, carbon absorption rate is around 85%.
1, the furnace input method:
Recarburizer for smelting in the induction furnace is used, but the specific use according to the technological requirements are also different.
(1) used in the intermediate frequency electric furnace smelting carburant, according to the ratio of and carbon equivalent requirements with the mixture into furnace lower middle part, recovery rate can reach more than 95%;
(2) liquid iron rongqing if insufficient carbon carbon adjustment, the first net furnace slag, plus carburant, by raising the temperature of iron liquid, or artificial electromagnetic stirring to dissolve carbon
Absorption and recovery can be in 90 or so, if the low-temperature carbonization process, the melt furnace charge only as a part of the molten iron temperature is low, all recarburizer
one-time in liquid iron, at the same time with solid charge pressing it into the liquid iron don't let it show liquid iron surface. The method of iron liquid carbon can reach more than 1.0%.
2, the carbonization stove:
(1) graphite powder injection in ladle
Choose recarburizer graphite powder, blow into the amount of 40 kg/t, is expected to make iron carbon content increases from 2% to 3%. As the carbon content in liquid iron is increased, the utilization rate of carbon
Before the drop, increase carbon iron temperature 1600 ℃, an average of 1299 ℃ after carburization. Graphite powder spraying carbon addition, generally USES nitrogen for the carrier, but under the condition of industrial production, it is more convenient to use compressed air, oxygen and compressed air combustion produces CO, the chemical reaction heat can compensate part of the temperature drop, and reducing atmosphere conducive to improve carburization effect of CO
(2) when the iron using recarburizer
Purpose can be 100-300 graphite powder carburant in package, or from the iron tank with flow into and out of the liquid iron after fully mixing, as far as possible to dissolve carbon absorption, carbon recovery rate is around 50%.
Recarburizer using the matters needing attention
one cannot afford to ignore, carburant in time
Recarburizer to join if time early, easy to make the attached near the bottom, and attached the furnace wall of the carburant and not easy to be melt into the molten iron. , by contrast, to join the time too late, then lost the timing of the carburization, melting, heating up time delay. This not only delays the chemical composition analysis and adjust the time, also may bring the damage due to excessive heat. Carburant, therefore, they join in the metal furnace charge in the process of bit by bit to join as well.
As in the case of the large amount of a join, can combine induction furnace with iron liquid superheat considering operation, ensure carburant in liquid iron absorption time is 10 min, on the one hand, through the electromagnetic stirring effect spread the carburant fully absorbed, guarantee the absorption effect. on the other hand can reduce the carburant in nitrogen content.
Second, join the improvement methods
Don't join, partial, melt the last part, put part (around a pack of hot metal in the bag and back flush furnace carburant in 1 to 2 times, and slag, and alloy.
Have the following several aspects

