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    紅育牌石灰石粉 石灰石
    商品代碼: 2969623
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。
    原產地:河南 13 CaCO3含量≥:99.1(%) 含鈣量≥:92.1(%)
    含鎂量≤:0.9(%) 含鐵量≤:0.05(%) 密度:2(g/cm3)


      石灰石用途廣泛,產品市場前景看好,但因為石灰石在中國麵廣量豐,無地方資源優勢可言,必須靠實力和其他優勢獲取市場份額。因此,麵對這一資源,在開發應用時,應慎重選擇,取最短的工序,最可能簡單的方法,最現實的市場,以低成本、高質量,提高市場競爭能力。綜合國內外石灰石產品深加工發展現狀,介紹我國石灰石礦幾種主要用途。   ng>(1)ng>最常見的是生產矽酸鹽水泥。一般石灰石經過破碎、磨礦後均能達到水泥原料的要求。隨著對外開放、國民經濟建設的加快,水泥工業發展迅速,據估計國內未來20 年左右僅水泥工業一項將需求石灰石290 億t 。   ng>(2)ng>生產高檔造紙用塗佈級重質碳酸鈣產品。這類高附加值的微細、超細及活性重質碳酸鈣在造紙工藝中應用十分廣泛,粉碎後一般粒徑- 2μm ≥90 %的用於中性施膠造紙工藝; - 2μm 粒徑≥50 %的主要用於塗佈紙的填料。   ng>(3)ng>用作塑料、塗料等生產工藝中的填料。作該類產品原料的天然碳酸鈣礦物,即石灰石要求含CaCO3 (乾基) :優級品9810 % ,一等品9610 % ,二等品9410 % , Fe2O3 ≤011 % , Mn ≤0102 % , Cu ≤01001 % ,白度90 以上。此外,一般平均粒徑10~15μm 的粉礦用作塗料填充料, - 10μm 的用作塑料、橡膠、造紙的填料, - 5μm 的經活化處理後作油墨填充料。   ng>(4)ng>生產機械制造用的鑄造型砂。石灰石生產的鑄砂粒度為28~ 75 目,這種型砂具有比石英砂更優的性能,潰散性好,易於落砂清理,提高鑄件表麵質量,增加鑄件表麵光潔度,同時基本消除職工矽肺的危害。據統計僅各大鋼鐵公司每年要外購鑄造型砂幾萬噸,這對冶金行業的石灰石礦是一個潛在的市場。   ng>(5)ng>生產脫硫吸收劑。石灰石破碎到0 ~ 2mm ,其中+ 2 mm < 5 %、0~ 0. 45 mm > 50 %的粉狀代替原石灰或消石灰,在吸收塔內與水混合攪拌成漿液,吸收漿液與煙氣接觸混合,煙氣中的二氧化硫與漿液中的碳酸鈣以及鼓入的空氣進行化學反應被脫除,最終反應產物為石膏。脫硫後的煙氣經加熱升溫後排入煙囪。該工藝設備成熟,脫硫效率高,適用范圍寬。目前貴州鋁廠石灰石礦已建成一條石灰石脫硫劑生產線,其效益十分看好。   ng>(6)ng>石灰石經煅燒、碳化後可生產輕質碳酸鈣產品。輕質碳酸鈣按平均粒徑可分為5 個粒度等級:微粒+ 5μm、微粉1~5μm、微細011~1μm、超細0102~011μm、超微細- 0102μm。目前納米級輕鈣工業化生產在廣東、上海、浙江等地已相繼問世。按產品晶型可分為球形、紡錘形、立方形、鏈鎖形、片形、菱形。立方形、球形輕質碳酸鈣更適合塑料工業。   ng>(7)ng>用於生產活性石灰、鈍化石灰。石灰石煅燒生產活性石灰,並通過加工後可生產鈍化石灰。鈍化石灰具有吸潮、噴吹性能好等優點。這兩種產品主要用作冶金行業中燒結礦的添加劑,煉鋼用的造渣劑,鐵水預處理時用的脫硫、脫磷劑,以及根據鋼液初煉後的成分及成品規格要求,設計出的不同用途的精煉渣和根據鋼種等調整的各種連鑄保護渣等。   目前國內鐵水預處理還處於起步階段,僅有少數鋼廠實行三脫即脫硫、脫磷、脫矽,大部分鋼廠尚未進行鐵水預處理。但是,日本、美國等冶金技術較為發達的國傢的鐵水預處理已達到80 %以上,預計5~ 10 a 內國內鋼廠鐵水預處理將會有較大的發展,CaO 和CaCO3是各種冶金爐料的基本組分,因此在冶金爐料的發展過程中石灰石也將有較好的開發應用前景。   化學加工[1]  石灰石經化學加工後可生產磷酸氫鈣、內服補鈣(藥用級) 、食品工業補鈣添加劑、疏松劑和高級牙膏摩擦劑、飼料添加劑、磷肥,以及乳酸鈣、葡萄糖酸鈣、氯化鈣、碳化鈣(電石) 等【制法及工藝流程】   粉碎法:系將含CaCO3在90%以上的白石用雷蒙磨或其它高壓磨經粉碎、分級、分離,而制得的成品。   包裝:塑料袋包裝,每袋凈重50公斤。   儲運註意事項 儲存於乾燥的庫房中。運輸中防止袋破。不得與液體酸類共儲混運。   相關標準1)JC830.1-2005《乾掛飾麵石材及金屬掛件第1部分:乾掛石材》   2)JGJ133《金屬與石材幕墻工程技術規范》   3)美國ASTM標準。   4)JCG/T 60001-2007《天然石材裝飾工程技術規程》

    [editor this segment] introduction
    With hydrochloric acid reaction: 2HCl = = = CaCO3 + + H2O + CO2 ↑ CaCl2 MaShi hardness value (MOH) : 3 and carbon dioxide reflect the equation: CO2 + Ca (OH) 2 = = = CaCO3 press + H2O elements relative atomic mass: O: 16, H: 1, Ca: 40 (relative molecular mass: 74 chemical composition: CaCO3 series: six FangJing 100.09 chemical analysis of molecular 0.07% sio2, 3 oxidation 2 aluminium 0.02%, trioxide iron, magnesium oxide, cao 55.22% 0.03% 0.08%, limestone blocks/powder: 40.79%), silicon 1.21%, iron, aluminum 4.62% 0.52% calcium, magnesium, 50.16% 1.10% baiyun limestone/block: silicon values, aluminum 0.15%, iron, calcium, magnesium 0.17% 32.1% 21.19% limestone is the main raw material production lime. Carbon dioxide (CO2) can make clear fluid of limewater [Ca (OH) 2 solution becomes muddy].
    [editor this segment] applications
    Cement limestone and clay is mixed by high temperature firing, etc. Glass, quartz, soda by limestone mixed by high melting, etc. Iron with limestone, remove the gangue as flux. Made with lime steel slag materials, sulphur, phosphorus removal such harmful impurities. Calcium carbide (main component is quick and CaC2) is in the eaf coke reaction. With limestone, soda salt, ammonia and other raw materials through the paces reaction (Kevin soave law). Using lime soda and reaction by heavy caustic soda (made). Using pure hydrated lime and chlorine bleaching of reaction. Use of chemical process limestone XiaoSuanGai calcium chloride, calcium sulfate, such important calcium salt. To remove water of lime, hard as temporary rigid softener. The limestone burn into pure powder used calcium carbonate, rubber, plastic, paper, toothpaste, cosmetics, etc. Of the stuffing Lime and caustic soda made of carbon dioxide, as the base of lime. Lime as desiccant and disinfectant. Agriculture, with quick lime sulfur compound bordeaux mixture, etc. The soil ShouShiHui can counteract the soil acid, improving soil structure, supply plants need osteocalcin. Brush with lime slurry, can protect trees trunks. China has 12-kilometer radius, therefore, destiny. The limestone cement industry is the grain, is the lifeblood of cement production. Cement production, if cannot limestone, who possess moment limestone, who will possess the resources of the cement industry development. At present cement enterprises for the market, also be for the war, therefore limestone resources superiority of the big enterprise group to realize their own resources as limestone development strategy of one of the measures. 1 and limestone is extremely useful as a valuable resource limestone is limestone mineral commodity name. In human civilization, limestone with its in nature, and easy to acquire wide distribution characteristics and has been widely used. As an important means of building materials has a long history in modern industry, mining, limestone is made of cement, lime, the main raw material, calcium carbide, metallurgical industry is indispensable, high-quality flux limestone superfine pulverizing writing lime, have been widely applied in papermaking, rubber, paint, coating, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, feed, sealing, bonding and polishing products manufacturing. According to not complete count, cement production cost of limestone and construction stone, lime production, metallurgy, superfine calcium consumption flux ratio of the sum of limestone for 1:3. Limestone are non-renewable resources, with the improvement of science and technology and the development of nanotechnology, limestone applications will be further widened. 2, our country is the world limestone ore resources are rich countries. Besides Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macao, in all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. According to the national building the geological distribution center of limestone area of 43.8 million KM2 (not including Tibet and Taiwan), accounts for about a land area of 1/20, which can make the limestone cement materials of total amount of resources, 1/4-1/3. In order to satisfy the environmental protection and ecological balance, and to prevent soil erosion, tourist resorts, etc, especially with the needs of construction of small towns in the planning, implementation and improvement of cement limestone extraction will decrease. The cement limestone mine dot already found seven, 8,000, of which has already proven reserves, including large deposits 1286 257, medium and small-sized 486 481 (more than 8000 tons of mineral reserves for large and medium-sized 40 ~ 8000 tons for less than 40 million tons, for small), total reserves of mineral reserves 542 million tons and tons of limestone reserves 504 93%, 38 million tons, reserves of marble 7%. Reserves are widely distributed in Shanghai in 29 provinces and municipalities outside of shaanxi province, autonomous region, 49 million tons, reserves for the country, For the rest, guangxi autonomous regions, anhui province of sichuan province and chongqing city) (including the reserves 34-30 million tons, Shandong, hebei, henan, guangdong and liaoning, hunan, hubei province each July 30 ~ 20 million tons of reserves, Heilongjiang, zhejiang, jiangsu, guizhou, yunnan, fujian, jiangxi, shanxi, xinjiang, jilin, Inner Mongolia, qinghai and gansu provinces reserves every 13 20 ~ 10 million tons, Beijing, ningxia, hainan, Tibet, tianjin five provinces all reserves 5 ~ 2 million tons.
    [editor this segment] purposes
    Extensive use of limestone, product market outlook, but because the limestone measurement in China, no local resources advantage, must rely on strength and other advantages for market share. Therefore, the resources in the development, application, should choose carefully, taking the shortest, the most possible, the most practical methods of market, low cost, high quality, enhances the market competition ability. The limestone products processing development situation, introduces several main USES of limestone ore exploitation. (1) is the most common Portland cement production. General limestone, after grinding after all can reach the requirement of cement materials. With the opening of the national economic construction, accelerate, cement industry is developing rapidly, and an estimated 20 years only domestic cement industry a will needs limestone 290 million. (2) producing high-grade paper with heavy calcium carbonate grade coating products. This kind of high value-added subtle, superfine heavy calcium carbonate and activity in papermaking technology application is very extensive, after smashing general size - 2 muon m p 90 % of papermaking technology for neuter glue, Through particle size m 2-5 % of the experiment.it coated paper, mainly used for packing. (3) used for plastic coating, the packing process. For this product of natural materials, i.e. carbonate mineral requirements including limestone CaCO3 (dry) : -grade product 9810 %, 9610 %, grade b product 9410 %, Fe2O3 acuities 011 %, Cu, Mn acuities 0102 % than 01001 % above 90 degrees, white. In addition, the general average size 10 ~ 15 mu of powder coating of mine for m, - 10 mu tower.it m used for plastic, rubber, paper packing, - 5 muon m the activation treatment for ink filler after. (4) production machinery in foundry sand. The limestone producing casting sand degrees for 28-75, more than quartz sand with the optimal performance, good, easy to fall and collapsibility of sand casting surface cleaning, improve quality, increase casting surface finish, and basically eliminate harm of silicosis worker. According to statistics, only big steel company every year to outsourcing foundry sand tens of thousands of tons of metallurgical industry, it is a potential of lime stone of the market. (5) production desulfurization sorbent. The limestone broken to 0 ~ + 2 mm, including 2mm < 5 %, 0-0. 45 mm > 50 % of powdered lime or lime, instead of the original water absorption tower in mixing into grout, absorption and smoke exposure, mix slurry of sulfur dioxide and grout of carbonate and drum into the air for chemical reaction, the final product by removing to gypsum. The flue gas desulfurization by heating up the chimney. This process equipment, desulfurization efficiency, mature wide application scope. Now guizhou aluminum lime stone has built a limestone desulfurizer, its efficiency is a promising line. (6) lime, after writing can produce light calcium carbide products. According to the average size of lightweight caco3 particle can be divided into five level: the particle + 5 muon m, micro powder, 1 ~ 5 muon m, subtle 011-1 muon m, superfine 0102 ~ 011 muon m, superfine - 0102 muon m. Currently nano-meter calcium light industrial production in guangdong, Shanghai, zhejiang, etc have successively. According to the crystal sphere, can be divided into the spindle, square, chains, and diamond. Set square, spherical light calcium carbonate is more suitable for plastics industry. (7) used in the production of active lime and passivation lime. Calcined limestone producing active lime, and through the processing production lime passivation. Passivation lime has hygroscopic, injection performance, etc. These two kinds of products mainly used in metallurgy, steel sinter additive with slagging agent, iron pretreatment of desulfurization, use, and according to the dephosphorization of liquid steel refining and early after finished product specifications, design of the different USES of refining slag and various kinds of adjustment according to such use.suggestions etc. At present domestic iron pretreatment is still in the initial stage, only a few steel practice three off dephosphorization desulfurization, namely, silicon steel, iron pretreatment for most. However, Japan, the United States and other metallurgical technology developed country has reached the iron pretreatment 80 % above, is expected to 5 ~ 10 within a domestic steel iron pretreatment will have greater development, CaO CaCO3 and is the basic components, metallurgy furnace charge in metallurgy furnace charge in the development process of limestone will also have good development prospect. Chemical processing [1] chemical processing after writing lime can produce DCP, oral calcium (level), food industry, medicine additive, osteoporosis and calcium senior toothpaste MaCaJi, feed additives, phosphate, and calcium lactate, calcium gluconate, calcium chloride, calcium carbide TanHuaGai (etc) and the process of the act. FenSuiFa: department will contain more than 90% of CaCO3 baishi with high grinding mill or other Raymond by crushing, classification, separation, and the finished product. Packaging: plastic packaging bags of 50kgs net each. Store in dry storage and matters needing attention in the warehouse. Transport prevent bags break. Not to mix of reservoir fluid acids. Relevant standards 1) JC830.1-2005 the dry-hanging facing stone and metal guajian part 1:2) dry-hanging stone of the metal and stone walls JGJ133 engineering technical specification of 3) ASTM standards. 4) JCG/T 60001-2007 "natural stone decoration engineering rules"


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