東莞飛揚包裝制品有限公司是中國品種最全的綜合性包裝產品生產企業之一,憑借其雄厚的實力和技術,不斷改進、創新,以及現代化的生產車間,專業生產各類包裝制品:PP奶茶塑料杯、PET塑料杯、EPS環保杯、奶茶紙杯、咖啡紙杯、塑料杯、綠豆沙杯、廣告杯、飲料杯、奶茶杯封口膜,紙塑產品封杯膜、各種全自動封口膜,彩色獨立吸管、OPP 、PE 、PP、PVC為原料的塑料袋等各類包裝產品,專版專訂,為客戶量身打造一站式包裝產品。 公司全麵通過ISO9001:2000質量管理認證體系,斥資引進一流的大型配套生產設備,日本進口空壓機,SB-680片材機,壓塑成型機,進口六色曲面膠印機,杯口卷邊機,全自動電腦套色高速凹印機,全自動電腦乾式復合機,全自動切膜機。 我們一直致力於為客戶提供高品質、一站式的增值服務與產品,不斷提升自身優勢,推進企業規模化經營。目前,我們已發展成下奶茶杯類、封口膜類及產品外包裝三大類產品的規模化生產商,產品主要銷往大陸、臺灣、香港、美國、歐洲、日本、韓國、東南亞等國傢和地區的中高端市場,並成為臺灣奶茶連鎖機構、國際眾多知名品牌及其OEM/ODM的長期授權供應商。 我們的產品始終定位於業內中高端的產品,選用進口原材料,原生PP新料、PET、PLA可降解、A級木漿紙、環保油墨為原料,生產出符合國際標準產品,自主品牌“飛揚”流通歐美市場多年,取得輝煌的業績。產品先後通過QS認證,本產品:安全,衛生,無毒,可用與盛裝冷,熱飲料,使用溫度在100攝氏度以內,設計新穎,產品從制程到制品均通過相關衛生、安全測試,在為客戶提供精美的產品同時,更著重於安全、環保與清潔生產。 優惠熱線:0769-82817229(直線) 15622511020 客服QQ:262618546 skype:dgfeiyangbaozhuang MSN:[email protected] E-mail:[email protected] Feiyang Packaging Products Co., Ltd. is China's most complete and comprehensive manufacturer of packaging products, with its strong strength and technology, continuous improvement, innovation, and modern production workshop, specialized in producing all kinds of packaging products: PP plastic milk glass, PET plastic cups, EPS green cup, tea cups, coffee cups, plastic cups, green bean cup, advertising cup, beverage cup, tea cup sealing films, paper and plastic cups membrane seal products, a variety of automatic sealing membrane, independent straw color, OPP, PE, PP, PVC as raw material, plastic bags and other packaging products, published specifically set, tailored for the customer one-stop packaging products. Company through the ISO9001: 2000 quality management certification system, to invest in large-scale introduction of first-class production equipment, air compressor imported from Japan, SB-680 sheet machine, compression molding machine, six color curved offset imports, cup crimping machine , automatic high-speed gravure printing machine computer flashed, fully automatic computer dry compound machine, automatic film cutting machine. We are committed to providing customers with high quality, one-stop value-added services and products and improve their own advantages, promote the enterprise-scale operation. Currently, we have developed under the tea cup type, category and product packaging sealing film three categories of products, large-scale manufacturers, products are mainly exported to the mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States, Europe, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and other countries and areas of high-end market, and tea chain in Taiwan, many well-known international brands and OEM / ODM supplier of long-term authorization. Our products are always positioned in the industry in high-end products made of imported raw materials, native PP new material, PET, PLA biodegradable, A grade wood pulp paper, green ink as raw material to produce international standard products, the brand "flying" in circulation European and American markets for many years, and achieved excellent results. Product has passed QS certification, the product: safety, health, non-toxic, can be used with the dress hot and cold beverages, the use of temperature at 100 degrees Celsius, innovative design, products from the manufacturing process to the products have passed the relevant health, safety testing, for clients provide exquisite products at the same time, more emphasis on safety, environmental protection and clean production. Discount hotline :86+769 -82817229 (straight line) 86+15622511020 Customer Service QQ: 262618546 skype: dgfeiyangbaozhuang MSN:[email protected] E-mail:[email protected] 