類型:鐳射燙金紙 | 材質:PET | 厚度:12-50μm(mm) |
尺寸:0.63*120(mm) | 適用范圍:1.印刷手提袋、紙盒、書刊封麵的BOPP膜(復膜)。 |
多年來,上海申永燙金材料有限公司一直在國內電化鋁生產行業居於領先地位,以其孔雀牌系列產品聞名國內。公司的主要產品包括用於包裝裝潢業的各種金屬燙印箔,同時金、銀和彩色鐳射燙印箔的品種也在不斷增加。另外,公司生產的黑色和白色顏料箔可用於塑料制品行業。產品可根據客戶自身的要求,顏色來樣定做.服務周到.歡迎新老客戶來電咨詢,讓我們共創輝煌! 021-39977771
Shanghai Shenyong Stamping Foil Co., Ltd. is part of the worldwide API GROUP of companies in a joint venture formed in February 1999 between API GROUP, Wing Fat Printing Co. Ltd. HK and Shanghai Light Industry Bureau.
Shanghai Shenyong has been the leading hot stamping foil manufacturer in China for many years with its famous 'PEACOCK' brand. Its main products are the bright metallised foils for use in the packaging and graphics trades. This range of standard foils is complemented by a growing number of embossed HOLOGRAPHIC stamping foils, mainly for use in the graphics trade and associated packaging field. In addition, pigment foils in black and white are manufactured for the graphics and plastics applications.
