品牌:怡禮 | 產品系列:卡通皂 | 品牌類型:國貨品牌 |
產地:金華 | 適用膚質:通用 | 箱裝數量:200 |
功效:美白,保濕,滋潤 | 香皂類型:手工香皂 |
There are many perfect pairings in life: wine and cheese, sunshine and laughter, you and your soul mate... Why not celebrate new beginnings with these fresh "the perfect pair" pear soap favors? They're perfect as wedding favors, engagement party favors and wedding shower favors.
Within each elegant gift box, a pair of pear-shaped soaps lies nestled in a bed of raffia. Pale green with a smattering of brown flecks, each soap looks and smells like a fresh, crisp pear. Soap favors measure 2 1/4" high x 1 3/4" wide x 1/2" deep. Pear-colored gift boxes feature a sketch of two pears and the phrase "The Perfect Pair" written in elegant brown script above the words "scented pear soap." Each box is tied with a chocolate brown bow and measures 3 1/4" long x 2" wide x 1 1/4" deep.
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